
Students Quality Assurance Unit Association (SQAUA)

The QAU of the faculty constituted the SQAUA to give the students the chance to participate formally and on QA basis, in alignment with the faculty mission and the QAU mission to the enhancement process of the faculty.

Accordingly, setting the students — as partners in QA by establishing the SQAUA — needs criteria for selection, training of the students on evaluation procedures and awareness campaigns about QA and accreditation issues. Furthermore, a recognition of these students as an integral part of the QAU helps the achievement of faculty objectives and QAU objectives, at the students level. Participation in feedback and evaluation activity promote over all students development, including the development of critical thinking and communication skills.

QA competition event occurs this semester is a continuation of different activities of the QAU to disseminate the quality culture among all students of the faculty using an enjoyable and productive mean.