
Personal Freedom between Release, Restriction and Public Order

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sdg5 sdg10 sdg16 sdg17

SDG 5 Gender equality is crucial for personal freedom, involving the removal of barriers, challenging stereotypes, and ensuring equal rights and opportunities for all genders.

SDG 10 emphasizes reducing inequalities and ensuring equal access to opportunities. Personal freedom is closely linked to addressing discrimination, promoting inclusion, and safeguarding human rights.

SDG 16 highlights the importance of the rule of law, access to justice, and protection of human rights. Personal freedom, including release from unjust restrictions and respect for individual rights, is fundamental for achieving peace and justice.

SDG 17 aims to strengthen global partnerships for sustainable development, fostering collaboration across stakeholders to share knowledge, expertise, technology, and financial resources.

Society, Culture and Human Behavior

Description of Subtheme:

In society, personal freedom allows individuals to express their opinions freely, and this leads to a diverse range of views being shared. This plurality of opinions helps in making the right decisions as new ideas and visions are exchanged. Personal freedom also contributes to the reformation of societies as much can be changed through persuasion and expression of opinions without fear.

In the context of personal freedom, SDG 16 can be seen as providing a framework for balancing individual rights with the need for public order and safety. For example, a strong and fair justice system can help ensure that individual freedoms are respected, while also preventing abuses of power and maintaining public order.

Research Action Plan:

The research plan focuses on various aspects of personal freedom, including language and terminology, the conditions and controls of freedom, the balance of Sharia and the law, principles of freedom and their relation to personal and societal aspects, and the effects of personal freedom on individuals and society.