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To inspire academic staff to continue embarking on their research path and to motivate the University research plan in conformity with the University’s strategy for 2020 – 2030, Beirut Arab University awards incentives for scientific research annually.

One: Researchers’ Incentive Requirements

  1. Applicants should be members of the academic staff at Beirut Arab University, for at least one year, at the time of applying for incentives.
  2. Applicants should not have already received other incentives for the applied work.
  3. The research for which the applicant is applying for, should be conducted during the applicant’s employment at BAU, and the journal discipline should align with the applicant's research interests.
  4. Research eligible for the incentive program should be submitted for publication after October 1, 2023.
  5. The research should be published in a renowned journal or by a renowned publisher as per the rules below.
  6. Applicants should be committed to fulfill their educational, administrative, and community duties inside and outside the University.
  7. Applicants should provide all the documents that assert their journal and book publications.

Two: Awarded Incentives

1. Moral Incentives

    1.1 Supporting active researchers to participate in international conferences or visits to academic institutions.

    1.2 Adjusting the teaching load of active researchers in coordination with the Faculty Dean.

    1.3 Recognition of the applicant as an active researcher in one of BAU’s assemblies.

2. Financial Incentives

2.1 Publications in international indexed journals

The journal in which the applicant’s work has been published should have the following criteria:

  • The journal should be peer-reviewed and specialized in the applicant’s research domain.
  • The journal should have a website that presents its information along with its publication guidelines.
  • The journal should be issued regularly.

Journals are classified according to their ranking in each field. BAU grants incentives only to works published in journals of the first two Quartiles (Q1 and Q2). These quartiles are determined according to Scopus for the year in which the paper was published. The University awards incentives according to the following criteria (In case of a joint research work, only the main author receives the incentive award):

  • Publishing in rank Q1 journals: The researcher is awarded 500$.
  • Publishing in rank Q2 journals: The researcher is awarded 400$.

2.2. Publishing in (non-classified) Arabic Journals:

A researcher who publishes in non-classified Arabic journals complying with the rules mentioned in section (2.1) is awarded 350$.

2.3. Publishing books or book chapters:

Beirut Arab University awards incentives to books published with reputable international publishers.

Researchers who publish a book are awarded 500$ as a reward, and 200$ in case of publishing a chapter in a book.

2.4. Acquisition of an external grant:

Researchers are awarded incentives suitable for the acquired grant.

Three: Research Incentive Application Procedures

  1. Researchers are to submit the incentive application form along with the required documents* to the head of the department.
  2. Applications from the different departments are submitted to the Faculty Dean.
  3. The Faculty Dean then submits the applications to the University president.
  4. The Research Committee evaluates the applications to be awarded in the different fields.
  5. The committee submits its decisions to the University Council to endorse the awarded applications.

You can find the incentive application form here.

*The researcher CV, copy of the research production for which the researcher is applying for incentives, and the classification of the presented research work according to Scopus.