In the occasion of World AIDS DAY, December the 1st , an awareness campaign on AIDS/HIV was organized by BAU Medical students who are members in LEMSIC-SCORA Committee ( Standing Committee on Reproductive Health including HIV/AIDS) .
The campaign took place in Hamra, and then at BAU Beirut campus, on Thursday December 4,2014. Medicine students introduced themselves, then defined AIDS, explained the stages of the disease, and talked about the laboratory tests every infected patient should take especially CD4- Count.
Since the tests are not provided for free, the students raised money from people donations and dedicated the money to the infected patients so they can take these tests at Hotel Dieu and Saint Georges hospitals for free.
The aim of the campaign was not only raising awareness about AIDS, its goal was also to convince people that AIDS infected patients should NOT be isolated from the society, because they are humans like others and not inferior to anyone.