
A New Vocational Training Center for Electricity and Solar energy established by UNIDO at Tripoli Campus

15 July 2020


The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), with generous contribution of the Government of Japan collaborated with Beirut Arab University (BAU) and The Ministry of Industry in Lebanon to establish two new vocational training centers for Electricity and Solar energy at the BAU – Tripoli campus. The project aims to create economic opportunities and jobs in the construction sector for members of the host and refugee communities –especially vulnerable women and youth –since investment in skills development and innovation are crucial drivers of economic growth and development.

The project falls within UNIDO’s mandate to support Member States in achieving inclusive and sustainable industrial development (ISID) and within its full commitment to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The project also builds on BAU’s keenness to play a leading role in the achievement of the SDGs, specifically through the representation of SDG 9 – “Industry, innovation and infrastructure”, at the global cluster of Higher Education and research for Sustainable Development (HSED).

The project focuses on delivering skills training aligned with market needs and on serving the local communities in the North of Lebanon, especially vulnerable youth & women whose enrollment in the trainings is encouraged as part of this project. Beneficiaries will learn new skills and acquire on the latest technologies and practices in the market in order to increase their chances of finding a job,

So far, two Training of Trainers (ToT) sessions were completed whereby 40 trainers benefited from enhanced skills related to Home electricity & Solar energy. Currently, the center is conducting am/ pm consecutive sessions, giving the opportunity to the interested participants to develop their skills.

The center will continue delivering training under the supervision of UNIDO until December 2020. The courses will be introducing basic & advanced skills related to home electricity & solar energy installation in a modular approach.

The curricula will also focus on the health and safety practices to raise awareness regarding hazards that might occur while working on site. This is based on the most common accidents and safety problems identified in the market assessment conducted at the inception phase of the project.

The accelerated training will be followed by a soft skills session for interested trainees to help them understand the market and acquire the needed practical skills to find a job.

The trainees will also be provided with a training manual for their reference and future use, as well as a graduation kit including set of tools to support their market access. Beneficiaries will also be provided with transportation fees to compensate their travel costs and a Certificate of Accomplishment delivered by Bureau Veritas.

Following December 2020, the BAU will take the lead and keep sustaining the center through continuous training delivered to the local community in the North of Lebanon.