
Beirut International Model United Nations

13 April 2018


This year 15 students from Beirut Arab University participated as delegates in the Beirut International Model United Nations for its third annual conference held at the American University of Beirut, Lebanon in the spring of 2018. Centered around the theme of “Paving Unity, Pioneering Acceptance”, BEYMUN 2018 gave its prospective delegates a chance to engage in high-level intellectual debates regarding pressing and relevant topics in their respective committees, as individual delegates, double or full delegations in our GA1: DISEC, GA3: SOCHUM, Interpol, and Historical Security Council committees.

In the GA3: Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural Committee "SOCHUM", Omar Kreidly, a petroleum engineering student in BAU's Faculty of engineering won the "Best Delegate" award of his committee.