This laboratory contains the necessary instruments and infrastructure to carry out advanced experiments in experimental and theoretical computation of gamma-ray detector efficiency, radionuclide metrology: environmental measurements, radiation protection, accurate processing of gamma- and X-ray spectra, analysis and modeling of experimental radiation physics data. It serves the following experimental courses: PHYS473L in addition to the various courses in the Radiological Sciences Concentration.

Research Infrastructure of the Laboratory
Several Scintillation NaI(Tl) Detector, MCA 14 PIN connection, DoseRAE2Electronic Dosimeter, standard radioactive sources in different geometries.
This research lab helped the students to gain their graduation. The students are running their experiments, following their passion and stimulating their curiosity with the results. Here are some of the research topics investigated:
- Calibration process (γ-ray Detectors).
- Self-attenuation correction of different matrices.
- Coincidence summing for multiline sources.
- P/T ratio calculations.
- Radioactivity determination.
- Study the nano-materials as a radiation shield.
- Radiation dose rate effects on living tissues.