
Science - Physics

  • Degree: Bachelor
  • Campus: Beirut, Debbieh, Tripoli
  • Faculty: Science
  • Department: Physics

Program Description

To obtain a Bachelor's Degree in Physics, students must complete a total of 97 credit hours + IC3, where the standard study duration is six semesters. The first semester is the general science semester of study for the students of the Physics Program.

Chairperson Professor: Ghassan Younes

Professors: Prof. Mahmoud El Korek

Associate Professors: Dr. Salem Marhaba

Assistant Professors: Dr. Khouloud Habanjar, Dr. Wassila El Kanawati


Professor: Prof. Omar El Samad

Associate Professors: Dr. Hanna El Balaa

Assistant Professors: Dr. Ali Kaafarani, Dr. Zouheir Bitar, Dr. Zainab EL Khansa

The Department of Physics at the Faculty of Science, BAU, aims to provide students with a rigorous and lively program of instruction in physics within the liberal arts context of the Faculty.

The program strives to enable students to:

  • Demonstrate applied competence in applying basic physics knowledge to analyze natural problems.
  • Improve the analytical and problem-solving skills related to physics.
  • Develop research on, teaching of, and design of components, devices, and systems.

a- Knowledge and understanding of:

  1. Understanding of the physical sciences, chemistry, and mathematics.
  2. Understanding of the fundamentals to study physics problems.
  3. Understanding of the quantitative comparison of theory and experiments for physics.

b- Intellectual abilities:

  1. Ability to understand what physics is.
  2. Ability to be familiar with acute physics (electronics, microwaves, radiation, nuclear, solid, quantum mechanics, acoustics….)
  3. Ability to identify, formulate, and solve problems in physics.

c- Professional and Practical competencies:

  1. Efficient use of and familiarity with physical laboratory measuring instruments.
  2. Understanding of professional and ethical responsibilities.
  3. Use modern physics techniques, skills, and tools efficiently in practical life..

d- General and Transferable Skills:

  1. Function in multi-disciplinary teams
  2. Communicate ideas effectively in graphical, oral, and written media
  3. Recognize and respond to the need for lifelong and self-learning for a successful career

To obtain a Bachelor's Degree in Physics, students must complete a total of 97 credit hours, where the standard study duration is six semesters. There is one general semester of study for the students of the Physics Program.

  • Different academic careers including schoolteacher and Assistant teacher.
  • Research Assistant or Lab Technician in Universities, private or governmental laboratories, and institutes or industries working in acoustics, semiconductors, vacuum technology, nondestructive testing, fiber-optics, laser technology, condensed matter, and related topics.
  • Data and systems analyst.
  • Modeling and software development in different companies

I. University Requirements Credits
* University Mandatory Courses 5
* University Elective Courses 11
II. Program Requirements Credits
Faculty Core Courses 19
Major Core Courses 47
Departmental Electives 9
**Faculty Electives 6
Total 97
*A total of 16 credits is required as University Requirements:

Five credits are selected from the University's Mandatory courses list.

At least one course from social sciences and one from humanities should be selected among the university elective courses.

** A total of 6 credits is required as faculty electives.

Students can enroll in any course offered by the Faculty of Science.

Experimental Facilities: The program utilizes a number of well-equipped laboratories for practical work and research. The Laboratories serving the program are:

  1. General Physics Lab
  2. Advanced Physics Lab
  3. Classical Mechanics Laboratory
  4. Specialized Materials Science Laboratory
  5. Advanced Nanomaterials Preparation Laboratory
  6. Computational Molecular Physics

Course CodeCourse TitleCreditsHours DistributionCourse Type
First Semester
CHEM241Principles of Chemistry3(3Crs.:3Lec)
CHEM241LPrinciples of Chemistry Laboratory1(1Crs.:3Lab)
CMPS241Introduction to Programming3(3Crs.:2Lec, 2Lab)
MATH241Calculus and Analytical Geometry3(3Crs.:3Lec)
PHYS243General Physics3(3Crs.:3Lec)
PHYS243LGeneral Physics Laboratory1(1Crs.:3Lab)
-------University Requirement2(2Crs.)
Second Semester
MATH242Probability and Statistics3(3Crs.:2Lec, 2Lab)
MATH244Ordinary Differential Equations3(3Crs.:3Lec)
PHYS242Thermal Physics2(2Crs.:2Lec)
PHYS242LThermal Physics Laboratory1(1Crs.:2Lab)
PHYS244Physical Optics2(2Crs.:2Lec)
PHYS244LPhysical Optics Laboratory1(1Crs.:2Lab)
--------University Requirement5(5Crs.)
Third Semester
PHYS341Classical Mechanics And Waves3(3Crs.:3 Lec)
PHYS341LClassical Mechanics And Waves Laboratory1(1Crs.:3 Lab)
PHYS345Mathematical Methods For Physics3(3Crs.:3 Lec)
PHYS347Modern Physics2(2Crs.:2 Lec)
PHYS347LModern Physics Laboratory1(1Crs.:2 Lab)
TSHS341Teaching Science in High School 2(2Crs.:2 Lec)
--------University Requirement5(5Crs.)
Fourth Semester
PHYS342Quantum Mechanics I3(3Crs.:3Lec)
PHYS346Electromagnetic Theory3(3Crs.:3Lec)
PHYS346LElectromagnetic Theory Laboratory1(1Cr.:2 Lab)
--------Departmental Elective3(3crs.)
--------University Requirement4(4crs.)
--------Faculty Elective3(3crs.)
Fifth Semester
PHYS443Quantum Mechanics II3(3Crs.:3Lec)
PHYS445Relativity 3(3Crs.:3Lec)
--------Faculty Elective3(3crs.)
--------Departmental Elective3(3crs.)
sixth Semester
PHYS440Electronics2(2crs.: 2lec.)
PHYS440LElectronics Laboratory1(1Cr.:2Lab)
PHYS442Solid State Physics3(3Crs.:3Lec)
PHYS442LSolid State Physics Laboratory1(1Cr.:2Lab)
PHYS444Senior Project2(2Crs.:2Lec)
PHYS446Statistical Physics3(3Crs.:3Lec)
-------Departmental Elective3(3crs.)

Departmental Elective (DE): 

Course CodeCourse TitleCreditsHours DistributionCourse Type
PHYS351Advanced Atomic Physics3(3Crs.:3Lec)DE
PHYS353Laser and its Applications3(3Crs.:3Lec)DE
PHYS358Circuit Analysis3(3Crs.:3Lec)DE


Materials Science3(3Crs.:3Lec)DE
PHYS451Elementary Particle Physics3(3Crs.:3Lec)DE
PHYS453Nuclear Physics3(3Crs.: 2Lec.,2Lab)DE


Molecular Physics 3(3Crs.:3Lec)DE


Computational Physics3(3Crs.:3Lec)DE

Study Plan:

Course Code Course Title Credits Hours Distribution Course Type
First Semester
CHEM241 Principles of Chemistry 3 (3Crs.:3Lec) FC
CHEM241L Principles of Chemistry Laboratory 1 (1Cr.:3Lab) FC
CMPS241 Introduction to Programming 3 (3Crs.:2 Lec.,2Lab) FC
MATH241 Calculus and Analytical Geometry 3 (3 Cr.: 3Lec.,0 Tut., 0 Lab.) FC
PHYS243 General Physics 3 (3Crs.:3Lec) FC
PHYS243L General Physics Laboratory 1 (1Cr.:3Lab) FC
------- University Requirement 2 (2crs.) CUR
Second Semester
MATH242 Probability and Statistics 3 (3 Crs.: 3 Lec.,0 Tut., 2 Lab.) FC
MATH244 Ordinary Differential Equations 3 (3 Crs.: 3 Lec.,0 Tut., 0 Lab.) MJC
PHYS242 Thermal Physics 2 (2Crs.:2 Lec) MJC
PHYS242L Thermal Physics Laboratory 1 (1Cr.:2 Lab) MJC
PHYS244 Physical Optics 2 (2Crs.:2Lec) MJC
PHYS244L Physical Optics Laboratory 1 (1Cr.:2 Lab) MJC
------- University Requirement 5 (5 Crs.) CUR
Third Semester
PHYS341 Classical Mechanics And Waves 3 (3Crs.:3 Lec) MJC
PHYS341L Classical Mechanics And Waves Laboratory 1 (1Cr.:3Lab) MJC
PHYS345 Mathematical Methods For Physics 3 (3Crs.:3Lec) MJC
PHYS347 Modern Physics 2 (2crs.: 2lec.) MJC
PHYS347L Modern Physics Laboratory 1 (1crs.: 2Lab.) MJC
PHYS349 Theoretical Methods for Physicists 2 (2 Cr: 2 Lec) MJC
------- University Requirement 5 (5 Crs.) CUR
Fourth Semester
PHYS342 Quantum Mechanics I 3 (3Crs.:3Lec) MJC
PHYS346 Electromagnetic Theory 3 (3Crs.:3Lec) MJC
PHYS346L Electromagnetic Theory Laboratory 1 (1Cr.:2 Lab) MJC
------- University Requirement 4 (4crs.) CUR
------- Faculty Elective 3 (3crs) FE
------- Departmental Elective 3 (3crs.) DE
Fifth Semester
PHYS441 Electrodynamics 3 (3Crs.:3Lec) MJC
PHYS443 Quantum Mechanics II 3 (3Crs.:3 Lec) MJC
PHYS445 Relativity  3 (3Crs.:3Lec) MJC
------- Faculty Elective 3 (3crs.) FE
------- Departmental Elective 3 (3crs.) DE
Sixth Semester
PHYS440 Electronics 2 (2crs.: 2lec.) MJC
PHYS440L Electronics Laboratory 1 (1Cr.:2Lab) MJC
PHYS442 Solid State Physics 3 (3Crs.:3Lec) MJC
PHYS442L Solid State Physics Laboratory 1 (1Cr.:2Lab) MJC
PHYS444 Senior Project 2 (2Crs.:2Lec) MJC
PHYS446 Statistical Physics 3 (3Crs.:3Lec) MJC
------- Departmental Elective 3 (3crs.) DE

Departmental Elective (DE)

Course Code Course Title Credits Hours Distribution Course Type
PHYS350 Accelerators 3 (3Crs.:3Lec) DE
PHYS351 Advanced Atomic Physics 3 (3crs.: 3lec.) DE
PHYS352 Biophysics 3 (3Crs.:3Lec) DE
PHYS353 Laser and its Applications 3 (3crs.: 3lec.) DE
PHYS356 Astrophysics 3 (3Cr.:3Lec) DE
PHYS358 Circuit Analysis 3 (3Crs.:3Lec) DE
PHYS450 Materials Science 3 (3crs.: 3lec.) DE
PHYS451 Elementary Particle Physics 3 (3Crs.:3Lec) DE
PHYS453 Nuclear Physics 3 (3Crs.: 2Lec.,2Lab) DE
PHYS454 Molecular Physics  3 (3Crs.:3Lec) DE
PHYS455 Computational Physics 3 (3crs.: 3lec.) DE