
Vision & Mission


Become one of the best Faculties of Business in the country through building intellectual capital for business students, providing innovative excellence in teaching business, conducting research and offering professional services.


We are a collaborative learning community of faculty, staff, students and alumni dedicated to educate business leaders of tomorrow while creating, applying and sharing business education and research that has significance for industry and society.


  • To offer a balanced range of courses and seminars in a variety of business, management and administr- ative areas to develop and enhance the knowledge and skills of the FBA service area, with special emphasis on the Lebanese community.
  • To ensure that learning takes place in ways that develop motivation, critical, analytical and creative thinking, and constructive use of skills in real world situations.
  • To offer opportunities and facilities for research to staff and students.
  • To develop close links with industry, business, government and business-related professionals so as to enhance the relevance of the work and experiences of staff and students.
  • To create and develop a caring, informed and innovative faculty and student community.
  • To meet through various course offerings, the present and likely the future needs and aspirations of our students.