
Human-Sciences - Psychology

  • Degree: Bachelor
  • Campus: Beirut
  • Faculty: Human Sciences
  • Department: Psychology

Program Description


Chairperson Prof. Mayssah Ahmed El-Nayal
Associate Professor Dr. Mohammad Zobeidi
Assistant Professor Dr. Helga Alaelddine
Part-time Lecturers Dr. Olfat Mahmoud, Dr. Boshra Kobaisi

The Psychology Program aims to provide students with all the academic information relevant to the field, whether theoretical or practical, to obtain graduates equipped with the skills that qualify them for the various job-market domains. The graduates are, thus, trained to play an effective role in enhancing the society’s and the individual’s mental health, in particular in the Arab Region, which is currently facing overwhelming changes and conditions. These conditions require a graduate with high-quality intellectual and professional skills that enable them to confront the various challenges arising.

Based upon the APA recommendations for an undergraduate program in psychology, the general objectives of the program may be summarized in the following:
  • A- In terms of the Course Content: Students acquire knowledge and understanding of human behaviour, and learn how to determine the factors conducive to positive or negative behavioural outcomes through a variety of mandatory and elective courses. Thus, students develop their knowledge of psychology in general, learning about motives, emotions, personality and mental health, as well as the basic research ethics. The elective courses aim at deepening students’ understanding of the various sub-domains of the Psychology program. (Appendix 3A+3B) .These courses are distributed across 6 semesters, which allows students to formulate a comprehensive theoretical view of the various sub-domains of psychologyPrepare and qualify graduates in sociology to conduct research and studies on sociological phenomena, issues and problems.
  • B- In terms of Research in Psychology: Students learn how to apply research methods in psychology, effectively using psychologicalscales and statistical analyses. Thisis achieved through the course “Methods of Research in Psychology” (PSYC 421), where students learn about the different research methods used in the field, how to formulate hypotheses, and how to follow sound methods and procedures. “Psychometry” (PSYC 423) introduces students to the different types of measures, including inventories and checklists, how to develop a scale, the principles for translating scales, as well asstandardizing and scoring scales. Students are trained in applying and scoring the scales and questionnaires, as well as interpreting the scores, i.e. converting the quantitative data to qualitative information. In “Statistical Psychology” (PSYC 334), the students learn the relevant statistical methods used in research (e.g. means, standard deviation, t test, ANOVA, correlation coefficients …etc.).
  • C-  In terms of Intellectual Skills: To enhance students’ cognitive and intellectualskills, and develop their critical and analytical thinking skills, they are trained to transfer the theoretical framework studied in the above courses to analyse personal, vocational and social issues. Students, thus, become able to apply the acquired knowledge in their field training. This can be seen clearly in such courses as “Cognitive Psychology” (PSYC 224), “Vocational Psychology” (PSYC 322), “Clinical Psychology” (PSYC 422), “Psychometry” (PSYC 423), and “Counselling and Psychotherapy” (PSYC 426).
  • D - In terms of Professional Ethics: The various courses of the program raise students’ awareness of values and ethics in Psychology. This can be seen in courses such as “Methods of Research in Psychology” (PSYC 421), “Clinical Psychology” (PSYC 422), “Counselling and Psychotherapy” (PSYC 426), and “Psychology of Special Needs” (PSYC 331). Through the reiteration of professional values and ethics in these courses, students are trained to apply these in any field of psychology.
  • E - In terms of Communication Skills: The teaching methods adopted in the Psychology Program aim to develop students’ skills in constructive communication with both their peers and their instructors, as well as the community at large. Thus, students are required to give presentations, to explain a point in the lesson and to work as part of a group. They are also required to interact with workers and patients, and to use technology. 

A. Knowledge and Understanding

  • Define the key concepts of the fields of psychology.
  • Identify the factors that influence psychological phenomena.
  • Identify and explain the various major theories of the fields of psychology.
  • Explain the impact of psychology on human behaviour.
  • Explain different research methods used in psychological research.
  • Outline and explain issues in the fields of psychology.
  • Explain the impact of psychological factors on health and illness.
  • Distinguish between the different types of mental abilities and intelligence tests.
  • Define new trends in the fields of psychology.
  • Recognise and show the contribution and the impact of psychology in social, economic and cultural terms.
  • Describe the code of ethicsfor practicing psycho-therapists and the limitations of confidentiality.
  • Identify the advantages and disadvantages of psychological measures.
  • List and outline the main fields of psychology.
  • Distinguish between normal and abnormal behaviour.
  • Identify mental disorders and methods of treatment.
  • Identify the statistical methods used in assessment.
  • List and describe the disorders particular to the fields of psychology

B. Intellectual Skills

  • Demonstrate knowledge of various major perspectives and theories of psychology.
  • Apply psychological theories, knowledge, principles and concepts relevant to the fields of psychology in field work.
  • Apply research methods in psychology, research design, data analysis and interpretation.
  • Appraise the efficiency of psychological scales in classifying normal and abnormal cases.
  • Differentiate between different theoretical paradigms and approaches in the (sub-) field.
  • Appraise theories of counselling and psycho-therapy.
  • Compare and contrast a variety of models and theories in the field of psychology.
  • Analyse and interpret information and data from a variety of sources.
  • Construct scales that measure personality and mental abilities.
  • Correlate between personality and health issues.
  • Examine an appraise the effectiveness of the methods of treatment.
  • Determine the effect of cultural and social factors on the individual’s physical and mental health.
  • Classify mental disorders. • Differentiate between mental processing and mental products.
  • Appraise the different forms of mental-sensory disabilities and learning difficulties.
  • Classify the factors that give rise to certain forms of behaviour.

C. Professional and Practical Skills

  • Select information and data from a range of sources and develop appropriate informationfinding strategies.
  • Connect between different disciplines and sciences.
  • Conduct case-studies.
  • Plan, design and execute practical activities using techniques and procedures appropriate to the fields of psychology.
  • Connect between theory and practice.
  • Differentiate between different types, forms and causes of psychological disorders.
  • Apply knowledge and understanding in a clinical setting.
  • Distinguish sex-differences and similarities in different aspects of psychology.
  • Select and formulate an appropriate hypothesis.
  • Design therapeutic interventions.
  • Revise a clinical/occupational report.
  • Perform a field study.
  • Apply moral and ethical issues.

D- General and Transferable Skills

  • Develop effective oral and written communication skills relevant to the fields of psychology.
  • Develop self-appraisal and reflect on practices relevant to field-work.
  • Follow the latest trends in the different fields of psychology.
  • Improve the ability towork effectively as part of a group involving leadership and group dynamics.
  • Develop attitudes and skills relevant to volunteer-work.
  • Improve essential principles in designing a scientific research.
  • Improve skills involved in the practical fields of psychology.
  • Manage decision-making processes based on clinical evidence.
  • Manage the administration of psychological tools.
  • Work according to an appropriate code of ethics.
  • Practice critical analysis.

To obtain a Bachelor Degree in Psychology, students must successfully complete a total of 99 Credits + ICDL. The standard duration for the completion of the requirements for a bachelor degree is 6 semesters.

  • Academic Teaching and Research.
  • Assistant Psychologist.
  • Clinical Psychologist.
  • Counselling Psychologist.
  • Educational Psychologist.
  • Forensic psychologist.
  • Health Psychologist.
  • Neuropsychologist
  • Occupational psychologist
  • Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner job profile
  • Sports and Exercise psychologist job profile

Study Plan:

Course Code Course Title Credits Hours Distribution Course Type
First Semester
------- Elective General 5 ... UC
Second Semester
PSYC222 Developmental Psychology 3 (3Cr.:3Lec) MD
PSYC224 Cognitive Psychology 3 (3Cr.:3Lec) MD
------- Faculty Elective 2 ... FE
------- Elective Department 4 .... ED
------- Elective General 4 ... UC
Third Semester
PSYC321 Physiological Psychology 3 (3Cr.:3Lec) MD
PSYC323 Criminal Psychology 3 (3Cr.:3Lec) MD
PSYC325 Psychology of Learning 3 ... MD
------- Elective General 2 ... UC
------- Faculty Elective 2 .... FE
------- Elective Department 4 ... ED
Fourth Semester
PSYC322 Vocational Psychology 3 (3Cr.:3Lec) MD
PSYC324 Psychology of Personality 3 (3Cr.:3Lec) MD
------- Elective General 3 ... UC
------- Faculty Elective 4 ... FE
------- Elective Department 4 ... ED
Fifth Semester
PSYC421 Methods of Research in Psychology 3 (3Cr.:3Lec) MD
PSYC423 Psychometric 3 (3Cr.:3Lec) MD
PSYC425 Health Psychology 3 (3Cr.:3Lec) MD
------- Elective General 2 ... UC
------- Faculty Elective 2 ... FE
------- Elective Department 4 ... ED
Sixth Semester
PSYC422 Clinical Psychology 3 (3Cr.:3Lec) MD
PSYC424 Positive Psychology 3 (3Cr.:3Lec) MD
PSYC426 Counseling and Psychotherapy 3 (3Cr.:3Lec) MD
------- Faculty Elective 2 ... FE
------- Elective Department 4 ... ED