
Business-Administration - Strategy-and-Entrepreneurship

  • Degree: PhD
  • Campus: Beirut
  • Faculty: Business Administration

Program Description

PhD in Business Administration - Strategy and Entrepreneurship

This program is designed to prepare candidates committed to conducting rigorous research, but also to addressing questions that have significant implications for firms and markets. The field of Strategic Management & Entrepreneurship (SM&E) deals with the creation, growth, transformation and performance of firms and industries, and investigates the effectiveness of various attributes and actions of an organization and its top management teams in order to gain competitive advantage and achieve organizational goals. The interdisciplinary nature of the field also implies that doctoral research typically draws on concepts and theories from economics, sociology and psychology, and addresses a wide variety of topics that have direct or indirect implications for organizational effectiveness. By the end program, the candidates should be able to conduct high-level research as well as find academic placements at top universities.

Study Plan:

Course Code Course Title Credits Hours Distribution Course Type
First Semester
BECO701 Microeconomics I 3 3 Major R
BECO702 Econometrics I 3 3 Major R
BUSN701 Business Research Methods and Skills 3 3 Major R
Second Semester
BMSE701 Corporate Social Responsibility Seminar 3 3 Major R
BMSE702 Strategic Management I Seminar 3 3 Major R
BMSE703 Strategic Management II Seminar 3 3 Major R
BMSE706 Organizational Theory Seminar 3 3 Major R
Third Semester
BMSE704 Strategic Management II Seminar 3 3 Major R
BMSE705 International Business Seminar 3 3 Major R
BMSE707 Special Topics in Strategy and Entrepreneurship 3 3 Major R
------- Comprehensive Exam and Research Proposal 3 3 Major R
Fifth Semester
BMSE799 Thesis 24 24 Major R