Employees at BAU enjoy a variety of services including scholastic financial aid for their children, compensations and remunerations in special events and holidays, a health and dental plan, and a flexible holiday system that assists employees in maintaining a healthy work-life balance.
Absences, Vacations, and Early Leaves
To maintain a proper work-life balance, BAU provides its employees with flexible options for absences, vacations, and early leaves. These absences and leaves are governed by rules and regulations to prevent any disputes between BAU and employees.
In this section, you will find descriptions for different kinds of leaves.
- Absence due to illness: BAU is concerned about the health and wellbeing of all its employees. However, the University has also set specific rules and regulations that govern employee absence. These can be found in the employee’s iConnect account under the tab “Employee Services” and the category “Employee Resources”.
- Annual vacation: The annual vacation is governed by BAU’s Bylaws in the specific sections for academic or administrative staff.
- Special Leave: In addition to the above, employees are entitled to special leave in case of death of a family member.
To obtain leave from the University for any of the above reasons, employees should fill in the forms required for obtaining leave found in their iConnect account and obtain the direct approval of their supervisors (Director, Dean…etc.).
Scholastic Support for Children
BAU allows all its employees to benefit from scholastic support for the provision of children’s schooling. The University also allows the children of employees to benefit from university financial aid at BAU under certain conditions.