
Grading System

The letter grade, the percentage grade and the GPA are considered as follows:

Percentage GPA Letter Grade Student’s status
95-100 4.00 A+ Outstanding performance
90-94 4.00 A Outstanding performance
86-89 3.67 A- Very Good
83-85 3.33 B+ Very Good
80-82 3.00 B Very Good
76-79 2.67 B- Good
73-75 2.33 C+ Good
70-72 2.00 C Fair
65-69 1.67 C- Pass
60-64 1.00-1.33 D Inadequate performance for the graduate level
00-59 0 F Fail
- - T Transfer
- - I Incomplete
- - W Withdrawal
- - AW Automatic Withdrawal
- - AUD Listener (Audit)
- - INP In progress
- - S Satisfactory Performance for thesis/dissertation
- - U Unsatisfactory Performance for thesis/dissertation

* Students must repeat any course in which they receive a grade of D or F. Students will also be warned if they receive a grade lower than C+ in any course.