
Medicine - Course - Medicine 1

  • Course Code: INTM404
  • Credits: 9
  • Hours Distribution: (9 Cr)
  • Course Type:  Major Core (MC)

Course Description

This 8 weeks module introduces students to learning opportunities in clinical situations that help applying knowledge learnt in phase I and understanding common and important illnesses, conditions and disorders, in addition to pathophysiology and pharmacology in internal medicine. Students are allowed to discuss issues related to rheumatologic disorders, metabolic and endocrine diseases and diabetes mellitus, and gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary diseases. Students are also exposed to clinical experience in taking focused history and examination skills at a good standard with the ability to competently diagnose and appropriately manage cases Prerequisites: USRP301 Urinary System and Rep II, NESC303 Neurosciences, MSYS 302- Multisystem I,MSYS 304- Multisystem II, REPG306 Research Project.