
Business-Administration - Course - Regional Economic Policies

  • Course Code: ECON620
  • Credits: 3
  • Hours Distribution: 3 Lec
  • Course Type: Major Electives (Major E)

Course Description

This course examines concepts, analytical approaches, policies, and practices in the field of economic development policy and planning, drawing on themes and examples in the area of technology-based economic development. It is suggested that in fostering dynamic regional and local economies able to offer high living standards, the promotion and stimulation of technological capability, innovation, and skill has become increasingly central. The course examines conceptual underpinnings, analytical methods, best practices, and critiques, and investigates factors such as knowledge, place, time, capital, institutional relationships, learning, and policy in understanding and promoting technology-based economic development. Policies to promote high technology firms, technology development and transfer, and regional techno poles are examined. To integrate theory and practice, lectures and guest practitioners are combined, together with class discussion, the analysis of cases and issues in technology-based economic development planning and policy, and a course project on an applied real world policy case.