

Co-designing a Healthier Community: A Comprehensive Mobility Plan for Saida’s Waterfront


Designing and improving cycling and walking as a soft mobility mode of transport has both environmental and social benefits and is a key in promoting healthier communities. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in redeveloping a master plan of Saida city, the gate of southern Lebanon in order to enhance the public realm, but unfortunately, a clear vision to develop comprehensive plan is still lacking. Among all Lebanese cities, Saida is the only city banned from motorcycle use for 20 years ago due to security issues. Moreover, Saida has a flat terrain, therefore it has the potential based on a collaborative platform of redesigning the street networks to encourage of cycling and walking in the urban and waterfront landscape. Using Saida as case study, this paper attempts to generate urban interventions by integrating multidisciplinary skills as a collaborative approach to suggest urban design solutions. It develops a methodology based on theoretical and analytical studies as well as the findings of five urban redevelopment workshops for Saida city attended by key stakeholders. The challenges of Saida municipality, Academia, citizens, private sectors and NGOs over the period 2014-2018 are analysed and discussed. In conclusion, a holistic approach is adopted at the intersection of landscape, urban design and planning by identifying several urban parameters based on a collaborative platform such as legibility, connectivity and mixed used activities and suggesting guidelines for the implementation strategies.


Mohamed Wahib Tohme

Journal/Conference Information

UHWB 20187 Building Collaborative Intelligence for better lives in cities,Conference Type: International, ISBN: 2617-1635, Organized By: BAU ISUH ISC, Proceeding Format: Print editions, Conference Date: 10/23/2018,