
Internal Quality Audit

  1. The internal quality audit at BAU is a systematic and independent investigation with the purpose of determining whether the actions and results referring to quality are in accordance with the BAU regulations and international accreditation bodies’ requirements, whether these regulations are suitable for achieving the set goals and they are really being implemented.
  2. IQA at BAU focuses on some “Internal Evaluation Areas” for the enhancement of teaching and learning such as: Quality of Curricula, Implementation & Delivery of Curricula, Student Assessment, Student Progression and Achievement, Social Responsibility, Learning Resources and Student Life.
  3. Each semester, the members of the University Quality Assurance Committee (UQAC) carry out site-visits to all Faculties and Branches to review documentation of curricular and extracurricular activities, the ongoing educational process, Faculty action plan and work-flow of the quality assurance system. In addition, believing in the effective role of students in directing their learning, in governance and in decision making processes, the Committee holds meetings with students to express their objective opinion toward their “Satisfaction” concerning academic freedom environment, equality-learning acquisition regardless of gender and disability, community involvement, learning resources, facilities and general services.
  4. BAU measures internal quality assurance standards through reports issued by the UQAC, which concludes a summary of the Faculty’s strengths, weaknesses and prospects. The Faculty must give its reasoned opinion on whether the standards have been met for each area, and has to make specific proposals for improvement in particular areas.
  5. The results of internal audit activities including site-visits, UQAC meetings and “Advisory Committees” feedback are documented as reports concluding significant risk and control issues, and including other matters that require the attention of senior management and decision-makers.