At BAU, I taught undergradute courses: Research Techniques, Food safety & Hygiene, Food Technology, Food service management, Food chemistry, Food additives, Food laws & regulations, Principles of food safety, Biochemistry. I taught as well postgradute courses: Food safety management system, Food laws and regulations, food chemistry and food manufacturing. My general teaching philosophy is based on the student-based learning theory that gets the student involved in all the different aspects of course delivery. My teaching style is hybrid and student-centered. It involves interactive lectures, group discussions, case-studies, assignments, hand-on experiments and field visits. I incorporate several innovative learning methods in my lectures, such as the TBL (team based learning), as a structured form of small-group learning that emphasizes student preparation out of class and application of knowledge in class. I am incorporating the blended learning techniques in some of my courses.
Undergraduate Courses
Spring Courses
- Food Additives (2 Crs.)
- Food Laws and Regulations (2 Crs.)
- Principles of Food Safety (1 Crs.)
- Environmental Science and Biomedicine (2 Crs.)
- Food Technology (3 crs.)
- Biochemistry (3 crs.)
Fall Courses
- Food Service Management (3 Crs.)
- Research Techniques (2 Crs.)
- Biochemistry (3 crs.)
- Food Safety & Hygiene (3 Crs.)
- Food Chemistry (3 Crs.)
- Principles of Food Safety (1 Cr.)
Graduate Courses
Spring Courses
- Food Laws & regulations (2 Crs.)
- Food safety & quality management system (3 crs.)
Fall Courses
- Food chemistry (3 crs.)
- Food manufacturing (3 crs.)
Editorial: Risk assessment of mycotoxins in food – 2023
Detection and risk associated with organochlorine, organophosphorus, pyrethroid and carbamate pesticide residues in chicken muscle and organ meats in Jordan – 2023
Quality of Honey Imported into the United Arab Emirates – 2023
Microbiological and chemical evaluation of dairy products commercialized in the Lebanese market – 2022
Risk assessment of pesticide residues from foods of plant origin in Lebanon – 2022
Assessment of Dietary Exposure to Ochratoxin A in Lebanese Students and Its Urinary Biomarker Analysis – 2021
Assessment of phenolic content, pesticide residue and biological activities of organic lemon and cucumber in Lebanese market – 2021
Decontamination of Escherichia coli on dried onion flakes and black pepper using Infra-red, ultraviolet and ozone hurdle technologies
– 2021
Assessment of Dietary Exposure to Ochratoxin A in Lebanese Students and Its Urinary Biomarker Analysis. Toxins 2021, 13, 795 – 2021
Biological Activities of Saussurea lappa Antioxidants Recovered by Solid–liquid, Ultrasound and Ired- Irrad®– 2021
Risk of exposure to aflatoxin B1, ochratoxin A, and fumonisin B1 from spices used routinely in Lebanese cooking
– 2021
Zinc, aluminium, tin and Bis-phenol a in canned tuna fish commercialized in Lebanon and its human health risk assessment
– 2020
Gastroprotective and anti-inflammatory effects of Prunus cerasus phytochemicals and their possible mechanisms of action
– 2020
Influence of storage conditions on quality and safety of eggs collected from Lebanese farms – 2020
Fluorescence polarization assay to detect the presence of traces of ciprofloxacin – 2020
Decontamination of chilli flakes in a fluidized bed using combined technologies: Infrared, UV and ozone – 2020
Incidence and levels of Alternaria mycotoxins in spices and herbs produced worldwide and commercialized in Lebanon – 2019
Assessment of antibiotic and pesticides residues in breast milk of Syrian refugee lactating mothers – 2019
Evaluation of antibiotics residues in chicken meat samples in Lebanon – 2019
Screening of Nasal and Hands Carriage of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococci Colonization among Lebanese Nutraceuticals Handlers– 2019
Red Sour Cherry for the Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus – 2019
Multimycotoxins occurrence in spices and herbs commercialized in Lebanon – 2019
Study of the selectivity and bioactivity of polyphenols using infrared assisted extraction from apricot pomace compared to conventional methods– 2018
Biological activity of apricot byproducts polyphenols using solid–liquid and infrared‐assisted technology– 2018
Comparative study between ethanolic and β-cyclodextrin assisted extraction of polyphenols from peach pomace– 2018
Infrared‐Assisted Extraction and HPLC‐Analysis of Prunus armeniaca L. Pomace and Detoxified‐ Kernel and their Antidiabetic Effects
– 2018
Comparative study between ethanolic and cyclodextrin assisted extraction of polyphenols from peach pomace– 2018
Systematic and empirical study of the dependence of polyphenol recovery from apricot pomace on temperature and solvent concentration levels– 2018
Phytochemical analysis of Nigella sativa L. Utilizing GC-MS exploring its antimicrobial effects against multidrug-resistant bacteria – 2018
Effect of the extraction process on the biological activity of lyophilized apricot extracts recovered from apricot pomace– 2018
Emerging technologies for the extraction of polyphenols from natural sources – 2018
Food fraud detection in commercial pomegranate molasses syrups by UV–VIS spectroscopy, ATR- FTIR spectroscopy and HPLC methods– 2017
Hypoglycemic effects of Prunus cerasus L. pulp and seed extracts on alloxan-induced diabetic mice with histopathological evaluation
– 2017
A comparative study of the phenolic and technological maturities of red grapes grown in Lebanon – 2017
Effect of pulsed electric field treatment during cold maceration and alcoholic fermentation on major red wine qualitative and quantitative parameters– 2016
Changes in polyphenol profiles and color composition of freshly fermented model wine due to pulsed electric field, enzymes and thermovinification pretreatments– 2016
Multiple response optimization of high temperature, low time aqueous extraction process of phenolic compounds from grape byproducts
– 2014
Extraction of Total Phenolic Compounds, Flavonoids, Anthocyanins and Tannins from Grape Byproducts by Response Surface Methodology. Influence of Solid-Liquid Ratio, Particle Size, Time, Temperature and Solvent Mixtures on the Optimization Process
– 2014
Pulsed electric field-assisted cold maceration of Cabernet Franc and Cabernet Sauvignon grapes – 20 13
An environment friendly, low-cost extraction process of phenolic compounds from grape byproducts. Optimization by multi-response surface methodology– 2013
Extraction of polyphenols from red grape pomace assisted by pulsed ohmic heating – 2013
Les composés phénoliques des raisins: étude du potentiel qualitatif et des procédés émergeants d'extraction– 2013
Extraction of polyphenols from red grape pomace assisted by pulsed ohmic heating. Food Bioprocess Technol 6: 1281–1289
– 2013
Pulsed electric field, ultrasound, and thermal pretreatments for better phenolic extraction during red fermentation– 2013
Valorization of industrial waste using energy saving procedures. Phenolic compounds purification from grape by-products by Accelerated Solvent Extraction (ASE)– 2012
A Comparative Study on Antiradical and Antimicrobial Properties of Red Grapes Extracts Obtained from Different Vitis vinifera Varieties
– 2012
Identification and characterization of phenolic compounds extracted from grape Chateau Ksara; identification et caracetrisation de composes phenoliques extraits du raisin Chateau Ksara
– 2010
Identification et caractérisation de composés phénoliques extraits du raisin château KSARA – 2010
Identification and characterization of phenolic compounds extracted from grape Chateau Ksara – 20 10
A grant has been awarded by the office of Research and Sponsored Programs at Abu Dhabi University led by the Principal Investigator Dr. Nisreen Alwan, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs at the college of Health Sciences and Associate professor of Environmental Health and Safety, Abu Dhabi University on a topic entitled "Exposure to Mycotoxins, Toxic Metals, and Pesticide Residues through the Intake of Breakfast Cereals in the United Arab Emirates" 2023.
A Tandem project grant from Arab-German Young Academy of Sciences and Humanities (AGYA) on a project entitled "Steam sterilization of spices and herbs and oil extrcation for subsequent food applications" 2023.
A research mobility program (RMP) grant from Arab-German Young Academy of Sciences and Humanities (AGYA) to a PhD student for a project entitled “Valorization of Food Waste by Extracting Polyphenols and their Encapsulation for Food Application.
Fund from UNIDO in partnership with the University of Glasgow and Beirut Arab University, to research trials on decontaminating Zaatar using the prototype developed in the collaboration under the project “Strengthening Job Creation and Creativity in the Agri-food sector in Lebanon
Scholarship award from SAFAR program for a Master student to pursue her Master thesis at the University of Technology of Compiègne, a founding member of Sorbonne University association in France
CNRS_CNR Grant entitled “Multimycotoxin occurrence in Lebanese and Italian spices and herbs” between Beirut Arab University (BAU) and The Institute of Sciences of Food Production (ISPA – CNR). Duration:15/3/2017-15/3/2019. Amount: 20,000, euros.
Intramural grant entitled “Investigation of Alternative treatments for Spices Decontamination” with the University of Glasgow Amount: 10,000, Dollars.
Co-financing of a project entitled “Valorization of Essential Oils From Industrial By-Products ”, between the LIRA_Ministry of Industry and Abido spices factory.
A Grant award from LARI (Lebanese Agriculture Research Institute) on a project entitled “Valorization of Essential Oils from Industrial By-Products” with ISPA_Italy
Scopus number: 55205981200
2021: Member of Arab-German Young Academy of Sciences and Humanities (AGYA)
2021: Member in the Food Safety Committee of the Ministry of Public Health, Beirut, Lebanon 2017: Member in the committee of “Investment of the agricultural Lands at BAU campuses” 2016-2017 : Secretary of the faculty council meeting at the Faculty of Health Sciences_BAU 2016-2017: Member of the research committee at Beirut Arab University
2016 : Member of the rural development of the Bekaa campus at Beirut Arab University
2016: Member of the faculty council meeting of the faculty of Health Sciences_Beirut Arab University 2015: Member of the Safety committee of Beirut Arab University
2015: Member of the LIBNOR committee for cereals and non-alcoholic beverages.
2015: Member of the faculty council meeting of the faculty of Health Sciences_Beirut Arab University 2014: Member of the Steering Committee of Beirut Arab University
2014: Member of the faculty council meeting of the faculty of Health Sciences_Beirut Arab University
Conferences and Workshops:
2019: Delivered a talk entitled "Co-occurence of regulated mycotoxins in herbs and spices consumed in Lebanon" during the LFDCA second conference at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Lebanese University.
2018: Organized a workshop entitled “Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points” at the Faculty of Health Sciences, under the Farmer to Farmer Middle East and North Africa program (F2F MENA), implemented by Land O'Lakes International Development and funded by USAID
2017: Provided an extensive 3-days training course in Advanced ISO 22000:2005 Food Safety Management System Practical implementation of GMP, GHP, HACCP, ISO 9001 in collaboration with QUALEB_THE QUALITY PROGRAMME Ministry of Economy and Trade
2017: Provided an extensive 2-days training course in Food Safety: Good Hygiene Practices and Good Manufacturing Practices in Tripoli campus as part of the CCPE program at BAU
2016: Provided an extensive 3-days training course in Advanced ISO 22000:2005 Food Safety Management System Practical implementation of GMP, GHP, HACCP, ISO 9001 in collaboration with QUALEB_THE QUALITY PROGRAMME Ministry of Economy and Trade
2015: Instructor in workshop entitled “Basics of food safety and hygiene” delivered for food handlers
2015: Organizer and Instructor of a workshop with QUALEB_MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND TRADE entitled “ISO 22000:2005 Food Safety Management System” at Beirut Arab University, Faculty of Health Sciences
2015: Organizer of a seminar with ECOLAB entitled “Cleaning and disinfection in foodservice establishments” at Beirut Arab University-Faculty of Health Sciences (3 hours)
2015: Organizer and Instructor of a workshop with UNIDO entitled “HACCP training module” at Beirut Arab University, Faculty of Health Sciences (3 days)
2015: Attended «The Arab Forum for Food Safety and Quality» February 25-26, Beirut Lebanon
2014: Attended “Arab forum food security challenges and prospects” Amman, Jordan
Certificate of attendance at Beirut Arab University in a workshop entitled “Authentic Teaching & Learning”
Certificate of participation at the Arab Forum For Environment and Development in the seventh annual conference entitled “Food Security In Arab Countries"
Certificate of attendance at Beirut Arab University in a workshop entitled “The Enhancement of Staff- members Teaching skills”
Certificate of attendance at MEFOSA in a workshop entitled “HACCP for Poultry Sector”
Certificate of attendance at QUALEB in a workshop entitled “Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points System: Principles & Guidelines for its application”
Certificate of attendance of the workshop entitled “The Future of PBL Virtual Patient Learning”
Under my supervision, a group of students participated in the competition held by the consumer protection on suggestion new technologies aiming to detect a food fraud. One of the BAU students got a certificate for being the best presenter and I got a certificate for supervising them
Certificate of attendance of the workshop entitled “The Enhancement of Staff-members’ Teaching skills'
Certificate of attendance of the workshop entitled "Authentic Teaching & Learning"