
Ali ElZaart

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Ali El-Zaart

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Ali El-Zaart

Professor of Computer Science

Professor Ali El-Zaart was a senior software developer at Department of Research and Development, Semiconductor Insight Company, Ottawa, Canada during 2000-2001. On 2001, he started his work in the capacity of assistant professor at the Department of Biomedical Technology, College of Applied Medical Sciences, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia. On 2010, he has been promoted to associate professor rank in computer science at the department of Computer science College of Computer and Information Sciences, King Saud University. Since 2011, he has been a faculty member at Beirut Arab University (BAU). On March 2016, he has been promoted to full professor rank in computer science. He received a M.Sc. (1996) and Ph.D. (2001) degrees in computer science from the University of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Canada.

Professor El-Zaart held leadership roles at Beirut Arab University from 2021 to 2023, serving as director of both the Center for Continuing and Professional Education and the Entrepreneurship Center, as well as supervisor of agricultural areas on the Debbieh campus. In 2023, he was chairman of the Department of Computer Science.

Professor El-Zaart has published numerous (more than 160) articles and proceedings in the area of smart sustainable cities, image processing, data mining, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence in health care, cloud computing. He has a US patent granted in 2018. He is a program committee member in more than 50 conferences and  supervised more than 25 Ph.D./M.Sc students.


Fall 2024/2025:

  • CMPS347 Data structures 
  • CMPS452 Data Mining 
  • STAT611 Machine Learning 
  • BMIS413 IS Software project Management
  • CMPS443 Senior project-I


Spring 2023/2024:

  • CMPS347 Data Structures 
  • CMPS453 Artificial intelligence 
  • CMPS344 Software Engieering
  • CMPS647 Advance Image processing 
  • CMPS452 Data Mining 
  • CMPS682 Research Topics
  • CMPS444 Senior Porject-II




1. Research Interests

Professor Ali El-Zaart has published numerous articles and proceedings in the areas of image processing, remote sensing, computer vision, Machine Learning, data mining, and smart cities, Artificial Intelligence in health care, cloud computing.

2. Research Collaborations

    Dr. Fadi Dornaika, Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, University of the Basque Country, Spain
    Dr. Carl Adams, University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom
    Dr Ahmed Bouridane, University of Northumbria ,United Kingdom.
    Dr. Abed-Malik Salman, King Saudi University, Saudi Arabia
    Dr. Mohamad Ouaidat, Lebanese University
    Dr. Rached Zantout, Rafik Hariri University
    Dr Mohamed,  University of Anbar, Iraq
    Dr Bilal chaine,  American University of Beirut.

3. Graduate Students Supervision 

Supervsion of PhD students

1- Student: Nagham Shukur, Spring2024-Present
     Subject:  Reducing Gadolinium Dose and Enhancing Brain MRI Images Clarity Using Machine Learning Techniques.
     In collaboration with University of Anbar, Iraq

2- Student: Nada Elie  (Spring 2024-Present) 
    Subject: An end-to-end Approach for Creating Interactive Virtual Environments    from Panoramic Images 

3- Student: Zeinab  Anis Chahrour,  Fall2023-Present
    Subject: Artificial Intelligence neural networks for quality assurance of image registration CT/MRI for brain and Head Cancer
    In collaboration with American University of Beirut.

4- Student: Salma Ghali,Fall2023-Present
    Subject: Tumor Localization in Medical Image Scans using 3D Convolutional Learning Techniques  

5- Student: Ibrahim Dhaini –(Spring 2022-Present)
    Subject: An intelligent and green e-healthcare model for an early diagnosis of Medical images for use in IoMT applications.

6- Student: Bassam Al Masry   (Fall2020-Present) 
    Subject: An Improvement of a Deep Convolutional Neural Network: An Application on Image Classification
    In collaboration with Lebanese University.

7- Student: Anis Hijazi  
    Subject: Image Forgery detection

8- Student: Hala Sweidan 
    Subject: Statistical modeling of images using machine learning techniques 

9- Student: Walaa Jumiawi –(Fall2020-Fall2023)  
    Subject: Improving the Existing Image Segmentation Methods Using Mean Estimation Approach  

10- Student :Nancy Zerika (Fall2016-Fall2023)
     Subject: Images Segmentation Using Minimum Cross Entropy

11- Student : Soha Rawas (Spring2015-Spring2019) main advisor
      Subject: An Energy-Efficient Service Model for Green Cloud Computing

12-Student: Sukaina Al Nasrawi  (Spring2015 –Fall2017 ) main advisor
     Subject: A Conceptual Framework for the Transformation towards Smart Sustainable Cities
     In Collaboration with the University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom.

13- Student: Maison Ibrahim (Spring2015 –Fall2017 ) main advisor
      Subject :A Conceptual Framework for the Transformation towards Smart Sustainable Cities
      In Collaboration with the University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom.

14-Student: Salah Shami (Spring 2014 – Fall2017) main advisor
     Subject: Classification of Closed-set Patterns using Data Mining Techniques
     in Collaboration with Hariri University.

15-Student: Ziad Abdullah (Fall 2012 –Spring2018 ) main advisor
     Subject:Multilabel Images Classification
     in Collaboration with the Lebanese University (Prof. Mohamed Ouaidat)

16-Student: Duaaal Saeed (2010--2015), King Saud University
      Subject: Image Segmentation Using Statistical Approaches
      in Collaboration with the University of Northumbria ,United Kingdom.

Supervsion of Master  students

1.  Student: Ali Ghosn  (Fall2014-Spring2018) 
Subject: Edge Detection Operators Based on Finite Difference Methods

2. Student: Manal Zaheddine  (Spring 2013-Spring2015) 
Subject: Automated Self-Assessment System for Academic Programs Accreditation 

3. Student: Roa Abou Khousheh co-advisor
   Subject: Mining Online Social Networks for Homophily  Based Links

4. Student: Rola Al-Alayly (Spring 2011-Spring 2012)
    Subject: Images Thresholding  Based on Cross-Entropy Techniques  

5. Student: Moumena Al Hadithi (Spring 2011-Fall2012) 
    Subject: Different Techniques of  Images Thresholding Based on  Between Class Variance 

6. Student: Wafaa Al Jibory (Spring 2011-Spring2013)
     Subject:  Improvement of Edge detection technique for objects in Images 

7. Student: Yasser Ali (2009-2011)
    Subject: Split and Merge method for Image Thresholding

8. Student: Abdo Jomai (2009-2011) main advisor
    Subject: Iris recognition using image processing techniques.
9. Student: Bandar Al-Maslokh  (2009-2010) 
    Subject: Edge detection In Medical Images.

10.Student: Rhama Al-Zahrani (2008-2009) 
     Subject: Sgementation of Images Using Edge Information.

11.Student: Khaled AlSaud ( 2008-2009) 
     Subject: Edge Detection In Images

12. Student: Eidah Assidan(2008-2009) 
      Subject: Optimal Thresholding Based on Between-Class Variance Using Gamma Distribution.

13.Student: Youssef Al-Sahbani  (2008-2009)  
     Subject: Braille copy Machine.

14. Student: Ghada Al-Osaimi (2007-2008) 
      Subject: Minimum Cross Entropy   for Images Thresholding

15.Student: Amany Al-Saleh  (2006-2007)main advisor
     Subject:Automatic Dot Detection of Optical Braille Images.

16.Student: Reem Al-Attas (2006-2007)main advisor
     Subject: Multi-Level Minimum Cross Entropy Thresholding.

17.Student: Moussa Al-Kahtani (2006-2007) - main advisor
     Subject: Breast Cancer Detection in Mammogram Images.

18.Student: Duaa Al-Said (2002) -
     Subject: MWF-Multi WindowFilter : A Non-Linear Filter Method in Spatial Domain


3. Publications

United States Published Patent:
  1. AL-SALMAN, AbdulMalik S.
  2. EL-ZAART, Ali Y.
  3. AL-HOKAIL, Khalid A.
  4. AL-SUHAIBANI, Yousef A.
  5. ALQABBANY, AbdulAziz O.z
Patent number: 20120008151
US Classes: 358/1.2, 358/3.29
International Classes: G06K 15/00 and G06K 15/02
Submitted: July 8, 2010
Published: January 23, 2018


1.    Lama Affara, Ali E-Zaart, and Rabieh Damaj, Water Body Satellite Images Segmentation Using Maxwell Boltzmann Distribution, BAU Journal - Science and Technology, 2024
2.    Walaa Ali H. Jumiawi, Ali El-Zaart, " Gumbel (EVI)-Based Minimum Cross-Entropy Thresholding for the Segmentation of Images with Skewed Histograms, Applied .System. Innovation. 2023, 6, 87. 
3.    Nancy A. Zreika, , Ali El-Zaart, and Abdallah El Chakik,  Robust and Parallel Segmnentation Model (RPSM) for Early Detection of skin Cancer Disease Using Heterongenouse Distributions. BAU journal-Sience and Technology, Vol. 4, Issue:2, June 2023
4.    Walaa Ali H. Jumiawi, Ali El-Zaart, "Improving Minimum Cross-Entropy Thresholding for Segmentation of Infected Foregrounds in Medical Images Based on Mean Filters Approaches, Contrast Media Molecular vol. 2022, ArticleID 9289574, 14 pages, 2022.
5.    Rawas, S., El-Zaart, A. Towards an early diagnosis of Alzheimer disease: a precise and parallel image segmentation approach via derived hybrid cross entropy thresholding method. Multimedia Tools Application  81, 12619–12642 (2022). (Q2)
6.    Walaa Ali H. Jumiawi, Ali El-Zaart, A Boosted Minimum Cross Entropy Thresholding for Medical Images Segmentation Based on Heterogeneous Mean Filters Approaches. Journal of Imaging, vloume 8, issue 2., 2022 (Q2).
7.    Soha Rawas, Ahmed Zekri, and Ali El-Zaart., LECC: Location, Energy, Carbon and Cost-aware VM Placement Model in Geo-Distributed DCs. Journal of Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems, Q1,  Elsevier. 24/12/2021
8.    Rachid Sammouda  and Ali El-Zaart, An Optimized Approach for Prostate Image Segmentation Using K-Means Clustering Algorithm with Elbow Method. Q2- Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, 15 November 2021.
9.    Rachid Sammouda, Abdu Gumaei, Ali El-Zaart, Intelligent Computer-Aided Prostate Cancer Diagnosis Systems: State-of-the-Art and Future Directions, Q3- Mathematical Problems in Engineering Journal, 2021.
10.    Nancy A. Zreika, , Ali El-Zaart, and Abdallah El Chakik, A Hybrid Cross Entropy Thresholding for Early Alzheimer's Disease Detection. International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems, 2021
11.    Nancy A. Zreika, , Ali El-Zaart, and Abdallah El Chakik, AN IMPROVEMENT OF CROSS ENTROPY THRESHOLDING FOR SKIN CANCER. BAU Internaional  Journal  of Science and Technology, 2021.
12.    Abdu Gumaei, Rachid Sammouda, Mabrook Al-Rakhami, Hussain AlSalman, Ali El-Zaart, Feature selection with ensemble learning for prostate cancer diagnosis from microarray gene expression, Q2-Health Informatic Journals, 2021
13.    Rawas, S. and  Al El-Zaart , PPSM: Precise and Parallel Image Segmentation Model via MCET using Hybrid Distributions, Journal of the applied computing and informatics, Q2 journal. 2020.
14.    Maysoun Ibrahim Ali El-Zaart and Carl Adams,  Smart Sustainable Cities Roadmap: Readiness for Transformation towards Urban Sustainability. Journal of Sustainable Cities and Society, Q1,  Elsevier, March, Vol.11,  pages 530-540, 2018.
15.    C Al-Nasrawi, S., El-Zaart, A., & Adams, A Novel Multidimensional Model for Smart Sustainable Cities. Springer-Verlag under the title “Recent Trends in Computer Applications”, 2019.
16.    Ziad Abdallah, Mohamad Oueidat, Ali El-Zaart, An Improvement of Multi-Label Image Classification Method Based on Histogram of Oriented Gradient. International Journal of Computer, Electrical, Automation, Control and Information Engineering. Volume 11,No.2,  pp. 150-153,  2017.
17.    Al-Shami S., El-Zaart A., Zekri A., Almustafa K. and Zantout R. 2017. Number Recognition in the Saudi License Plates using Classification and Clustering Methods. Applied Mathematics and Information Sciences (AMIS). 11, No. 1, 1-12 (2017).
18.    Duaa Al-Saeed, Ahmed Bouridane, Ali El-Zaart, Novel Fast Otsu Digital Image Segmentation Method. The International Arab Journal of Information Technology, Vol. 13, No. 4, July 2016
19.    Ziad Abdallah,  Ali El-Zaart and Mohamad Oueidat, An Improvement of Label Power Set Method Based on Priority Label Transformation,  International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 11, Number 16 (2016) pp 9079-9087
20.    Ali El-Zaart, Skin Cancer Images Thresholding Based on Gamma Distribution International Journal of Image ProcessingTechniques, Vol. 2,  55 – 58,  2015
21.    Ali El-Zaart, Synthetic Aperture Radar Images Segmentation Using Minum Cross-Entropy with Gamma Distribution.International Journal of Signal  and Image Processing, 2015;6(4)19-31 DOI 10.5121/sipij.2015.6402
22.    Ali El-Zaart,  and Toufic El-Arwadi, A New Edge Detection Method for
CT-Scan Lung Images, International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Medical Imaging. Vol, 2, 2015
23.    Toufic El-Arwadi, and Ali El-Zaart, A Novel 5x5 Edge Detection Operator For Blood Vessel Images.  British Journal of Applied Science & Technology, Volume 11, 2015. 
24.    Sukaina Al-Nasrawi, Carl Adams and Ali El-Zaart,  A CONCEPTUAL MULTIDIMENSIONAL MODEL FOR ASSESSING SMART SUSTAINABLE CITIES, JISTEM - Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management Revista de Gestão da Tecnologia e Sistemas de Informação Vol. 12, No. 3, Sept/Dec., 2015 pp. 541-558 ISSN online: 1807-1775 DOI: 10.4301/S1807-17752015000300003
25.    Maysoun Ibrahim, Carl Adams and Ali El-Zaart,  PAVING THE WAY TO SMART SUSTAINABLE CITIES: TRANSFORMATION MODELS AND CHALLENGES. JISTEM - Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management Revista de Gestão da Tecnologia e Sistemas de Informação Vol. 12, No. 3, Sept/Dec., 2015 pp. 559-576 ISSN online: 1807-1775 DOI: 10.4301/S1807-17752015000300004.
26.    Abdul Malik S. Al-Salman, Ali El-Zaart, Yousef Al-Suhaibani, Khaled Al-Hokail, Abdu Gumaei, “Designing Braille Copier-Based on Image Processing Techniques”, International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE) ISSN: 2231-2307, Volume-4 Issue-5, November 2014.
27.    WafaaKamel Al-Jibory and Ali El-Zaart “A New Edge Detector in CT Scan Images Using Gradient of Weibull Distribution”, World of Computer Science and Information Technology Journal (WCSIT), 4 (1), 13 -17, 2014.
28.    Ihsan Ullah, Muhammad Hussain, Hatim a. Aboalsmah, Mohamed Berbar, and Ali El Zaart, “Novel Technique For Mammogram Image Segmentation Using Moment Preserving" International Journal of Information, Vol. 16, No.5,pp.3155-3164. 2013
29.    Moumena Al-Bayati and Ali El-Zaart, Journal of Advanced Research in Breast Cancer, “Mammogram Images Thresholding For Breast Cancer Detection Using Different Thresholding Methods”, 2013, 2, 72-77. 
30.    Moumena Al-Bayati and Ali El-Zaart, AUTOMATIC THRESHOLDING TECHNIQUES FOR OPTICAL IMAGES. International Journal of Signal  and Image Processing, Signal & Image Processing, (SIPIJ) Vol.4, No.3, 15 pages,  June 2013
31.    Rami M. jomaa,  Ali El-Zaart, Hassan Mathkour "Improvements on  Moment-Preserving Method for Image Thresholding" Journal of Communications and Computer Engineering, pp. 19-22, 2012.
32.    Amany Al-Saleh, Ali El-Zaart, AbdulMalek AlSalman, “Dot Detection of Braille Images Using a Mixture of Beta Distributions". Journal of Computer Science.  Science publications (SRJ:0.3).  , USA. 7(11), Pages: 1749-1759. 2011.
33.    Ali El-Zaart, “Expectation-Maximization Technique for Fibro-Glandular Discs Detection in Mammography Images”, International Journal of Computers in Biology and Medicine. Vol. 40, Issue 4, Pages:392–401, 2010.  Elsevier. (Indexed by ISI)
34.    Ali El-Zaart, “Images Thresholding Using ISODATA Technique With Gamma Distribution", International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Vol. 20, No.1, pages: 29-41. 2010. Springer.
35.    Ali El-Zaart, “A Novel Method of Edge Detection Using 2 Dimensional  Gamma Distribution”. Journal of Computer science (SJR:0.3),  Science publications, USA. 6(2), Pages: 199-204. 2010.
36.    Ali El-Zaart, “Skin Images Segmentation”.  Journal of  Computer Science (SJR:0.3),. Science publications, USA. 6(2). Pages: 217-223. 2010.
37.    Yaser A. Reyad, Ali El-Zaart, Hassan Mathkour, Mansour Al-Zuair, "Image Thresholding Using Split and Merge Techniques with Log-Normal Distribution“.  Canadian Journal on Image Processing and Computer Vision,  Pages-36-45. July 2010.
38.    Ali El-Zaart, “"Contrast enhancement of bimodal SAR images using a new desired histogram method with Gamma distribution". International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions. Vol. 1,  pp. 215-227. 2009.
39.    DjemelZiou;  NizarBouguila;  Mohand Sa d Allili and Ali El-Zaart "Finite Gamma mixture modelling using minimum message length inference: application to SAR image analysis “. International Journal of Remote Sensing, Volume 30, Issue 3 2009 , pages 771 – 792.  (Indexed by ISI).
40.    Ali El-Zaart and DjemelZiou, “Statistical Modeling of SAR Images”. International Journal of Remote Sensing, Volume 28, Issue 10, May 2007, pages 2277 - 2294. (Indexed by ISI).
41.    Ali El-Zaart, DjemelZiou, Shangrui Wang and  Qingshan Jiang, Segmentation  of SAR images.  Pattern Recognition Journal, Elsevier. Vol. 35, No. 3, pp. 713-724, March 2002. (Indexed by ISI).
42.    Ali El-Zaart, Djemel Ziou and  François Dubeau, Local Phase and Regularization Model for Disparity Estimation Using a Spatial Domain Approach, Journal of  Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 471-483, 1999.


1-    Ali Ghosn, Ali El-Zaart, Toufic El-Arwadi,   New Operator For Image Edge Detection Based on Finite Difference Method, accepted at the Sixth International Conference On Intelligent Computing in Data Sciences ICDS2024,  October 23-24, 2024 , Marrakech, Morocco.
2-    Rayane ElRabaa, Soha Rawas, Ali El-Zaart, Unlocking the Potential of Naïve Bayes for Network Intrusion Detection: A RandomForest-Driven Feature Selection Strategy, 2023 International Conference on Computer and Applications (ICCA), 28-30 November 2023. Cairo, Egypt

3-    Dhaini I. Rawas, S., Al El-Zaart, An Intelligent and Green E-healthcare Model for an Early Diagnosis of Medical Images as an IoMT ApplicationPower and Cost-aware Virtual Machine Placement in Geo-distributed Data Centers. 19th nternational Conference. Springer Book chapter, pages: 159-164. 2022.
4-    Walaa Ali H. Jumiawi and Ali El-Zaart, Otsu Thresholding Model Using Heterogeneous Mean Filters for Precise Images Segmentation, International Conference of advanced Technology in Electronic and Electrical Engineering (ICATEEE2022) will be held from 26th to 27th November 2022 at M'sila University, Algeria.
5-    Soha Rawas, and Ali El-Zaart. "HCET-G 2: Dermoscopic Skin Lesion Segmentation via Hybrid Cross Entropy Thresholding using Gaussian and Gamma Distributions." 2019 Third International Conference on Intelligent Computing in Data Sciences (ICDS). IEEE, 2019.
6-    Kasem Rola, W. El Hajj Chehade, and, Ali El-Zaart Bimodal Skin Cancer Image Segmentation Based on Different Parameter Shapes of Gamma Distribution, 2019 Third International Conference on Intelligent Computing in Data Sciences (ICDS). IEEE, 2019.
7-    Nancy A. Zreika, Ali El-Zaart, Abdallah El Chakik, Toufic El Arwadi, Skin Cancer Segmentation with Entropy PAL MCET using Gaussian Distribution. IEEE International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Computing and Communication Technology, India, Septmeber 2018. 
8-    W. El Hajj Chehade, R. Abdel Kader, Ali El-Zaart. Segmentation of MRI Images for Brain Cancer Detection. International Conference on Information and Communications Technology (ICOIACT),  Yogyakarta, Indonesia, March 2018. IEEE.
9-    Walaa Ali H. Jumiawi and Ali El-Zaart, Image Spectrum Segmentation for Lowpass and Highpass Filters, 4th International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Computing and Communication Technology (iCATccT - 2018), India, 2018. IEEE.
10-    W. El Hajj Chehade, R. Abdel Kader, Ali El-Zaart, Image Segmentation For Fingerprint Recognition, ASPCON 2018: IEEE Applied Signal Processing Conference, India, 2018.
11-    Rawas, S., , W., Zekri, A., and  Al El-Zaart, Power and Cost-aware Virtual Machine Placement in Geo-distributed Data Centers. International Conference on Cloud Comouting and Servicies Science. 19-21 March 2018, Portugal.
12-    Sukaina Al-Nasrawi, Carl Adams , Ali El-Zaart  and,  A Citizen Centric Smart Sustainable City Validated Model . International Conference on Information Society and Smart Cities (SC 2018), Jun 27-28, 2018. Cambridge University, UK.
13-    Maysoun Ibrahim, Carl Adams , Ali El-Zaart  and,  A Validated Novel Roadmap for the Transformation towards Smart Sustainable Cities,International Conference on Information Society and Smart Cities (SC 2018), Jun 27-28, 2018. Cambridge University, UK.
14-    Salah Al-Shami, Ahmed Zekri, Ali El-Zaart, and Rached Zantout, On the Parallelization of Closed-set Patterns Classification for an Automatic License Plate Recognition System.  International Conference on Sensors, Networks, Smart and Emerging Technologies (SENSET2017),  12-14 September 2017, Beirut,  Lebanon. 
15-    Sukaina Al-Nasrawi, Ali El-Zaart  and Carl Adams,  Assessing Smartness of Smart Sustainable Cities: a Comparative Analysis.  International Conference on Sensors, Networks, Smart and Emerging Technologies (SENSET2017),  12-14 September 2017, Beirut,  Lebanon. 
16-    Maysoun Ibrahim, Ali El-Zaart  and Carl Adams,  Theory of Change for the Transformation towards Smart Sustainable Cities.  International Conference on Sensors, Networks, Smart and Emerging Technologies (SENSET2017),  12-14 September 2017, Beirut,  Lebanon. 
17-    Maysoun Ibrahim, Ali El-Zaart  and Carl Adams,  Stakeholders Engagement in Smart Sustainable Cities: A Proposed Model.  Conference on Computer and Applications, (ICCA2017), September 06-07, 2017 Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
18-    Sukaina Al-Nasrawi, Ali El-Zaart  and Carl Adams,  The Anatomy of Smartness of Smart Sustainable Cities: an Inclusive Approach. International Conference on Computer and Applications, (ICCA2017), September 06-07, 2017 Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
19-    Ziad Abdallah, Ali El-Zaart , Mohamad Oueidat,  An Improved Framework For Image Multi-label Classification Using Gabor Feature Extraction. International Conference on Computer and Applications, (ICCA2017), September 06-07, 2017 Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
20-    Maysoun Ibrahim, Ali El-Zaart  and Carl Adams, A Novel Approach for the Transformation towards Smart Sustainable Cities. Submitted  to the 25th European Conference on Information Systems / June 5th-10th 2017 / Guimarães, Portugal.
21-    Sukaina Al-Nasrawi, Ali El-Zaart and Carl Adams, Smart Sustainable Cities: a Multidimensional Conceptual Citizen Centered Model. Submitted  to the 25th European Conference on Information Systems / June 5th-10th 2017 / Guimarães, Portugal.
22-    Ziad Abdallah, Mohamad Oueidat, Ali El-Zaart, Multi label image classification using Histogram of Oriented Gradients. April 7-8,  LAAS 2017, Lebanon.
23-    Salah Al-Shami, Ahmed Zekri, Ali El-Zaart,  and Rached Zantout, In the parallelization of multiple closed-set patterns. April 7-8, LAAS 2017, Lebanon 
24-    Ziad Abdallah, Mohamad Oueidat, Ali El-Zaart, An Improvement of Multi-Label Image Classification Method Based on Histogram of Oriented Gradient. ICDMMIP Paris 2017: 19th International Conference on Data Mining, Multimedia and Image Processing. 2643-2646, Paris, France.
25-    Maysoun Ibrahim, Carl Adams, Ali El-Zaart, Smart Sustainable Cities: A New Perspective on Transformation, Roadmap and Framework Concepts. The Second International Conference on Smart Portable, Wearable, Implantable and Disability-oriented Devices and Systems. SPWID 2016, May 22 - 26, 2016 - Valencia, Spain.
26-    Sukaina Al-Nasrawi, Carl Adams, Ali El-Zaart, Smartness of Smart Sustainable Cities: A Multidimensional Dynamic Process Fostering Sustainable Development. The Second International Conference on Smart Portable, Wearable, Implantable and Disability-oriented Devices and Systems. SPWID 2016, May 22 - 26, 2016 - Valencia, Spain.
27-    Rawas, S., Itani, W., Zekri, A., and  Al El-Zaart, A.(2017, March). ENAGS: Energy & Network-aware Genetic Scheduling Algorithm on Cloud Data Canters (SCI-WSN). In Proceedings of the International Conference on Internet of things and Cloud Computing (p. 2). ACM.
28-    Ali El-Zaart, Ahmed Bouridane, Rachi Sammouda, and Muhammad Tahir, “PSAM images thresholding for prostate cancer detection” International Conference on Advances in Computing Communication and Information Technology, 17-18 March 2016, Birmingham City University, Birmingham, UK.
29-    Sukaina Al-Nasrawi, Carl Adams and Ali El-Zaart,  Measuring Smartness and Sustainability of Cities.  (Poster), 15th European Conference on eGovernment – ECEG 2015,  Portsmouth, United Kingdom, 18-19 June 2015.
30-    Maysoun Ibrahim, Carl Adams and Ali El-Zaart,  Smart Sustainable Cities Transformation Road-map. (Poster), 15th European Conference on eGovernment – ECEG 2015. Portsmouth, United Kingdom,18-19 June 2015.
31-    Maysoun Ibrahim, Sukaina Al-Nasrawi, Ali El-Zaart and Carl Adams, Challenges facing E-Government and Smart City: An Arab Region Perspective.(research paper), 15th European conference on eGovernement,  18-19 June, 2015,  Portsmouth, UK.
32-    Wafaa Jibory and Ali El-Zaart,  Edge Detection in Prostate PSMA Images, International Conference on Applied Research in Computer Science and Engineering. Beirut, ICAR2015, October 2015
33-    Salah Al-Shami, Ali El-Zaart, Rached Zantout, Ahmed Zekri and Khaled Almustafa, The Recognition of the Closed-set Patterns in the Saudi License Plates, e International Conference on Applied Research in Computer Science and Engineering. Beirut, ICAR2015, October 2015
34-    Ziad Abdallah, Ali El-Zaart, MohmadOueidatEXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS AND COMPARISON OF MULTILABEL PROBLEM TRANSFORMATION METHODS FOR MULTIMEDIA DOMAIN, the International Conference on Applied Research in Computer Science and Engineering. Beirut, ICAR2015, October 2015.

35-    Soha Rawas, Wassim Itani, Ali El-Zaart, and Ahmed Zekri, Towards Greener Services in Cloud Computing: Research and Future Directives. the International Conference on Applied Research in Computer Science and Engineering. Beirut, ICAR2015, October 2015.

36-    Ali Ghosn, Ali El-Zaart and Toufic AlArwadi, An Improvement of Gradient Operator for Edge Dtection in Images.  LAAS 2015, Lebanon
37-    Salah AlShami,Ali El-Zaart, RachedZantout, and AmhedZekri, English and Arabic Liciense Plates Based on A New Data Mining Algorithm. LAAS 2015, Lebanon.
38-    Ziad Abdallah, Ali El-Zaart,MohmadOueidatExperimental Analysis and Comparison of Multilabel Problem Transformation Methods for Multimedia Domain. LAAS 2015, Lebanon.
39-    Maysoun Ibrahim, Sukaina Al-Nasrawi, Ali El-Zaart and Carl Adams, Challenges facing E-Government and Smart City: An Arab Region Perspective. 15th European conference on eGovernement,  18-19 June, 2015,  Portsmouth, UK.
40-    Salah Shami, Ali El-Zaart , Rached Zantout Ahmed Zekri,  Khaled Almustafa, A New Feature Extraction Method for License Plate Recognition. 5th IEEE International Conference on Digital Information and Communication Technology and its Applications (DICTAP2015), April 29-30, 2015.
41-    Ziad Abdallah, Ali El-Zaart,MohmadOueidat, Comparison of Multilabel Problem Transformation Methods for Text Mining. 5th IEEE International Conference on Digital Information and Communication Technology and its Applications (DICTAP2015), April 29-30, 2015.
42-    Duaa H. AlSaeed, Ahmed Bouridane, Ali El-Zaart, “A New Image Segmentation Method Based On 3-Dimensional Entropic Thresholding Using a 3-Dimensional (GLLALE) Histogram”, The 21st International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing - IWSSIP 2014, 12-15 May 2014, Dubrovnik , Croatia.

43-    Wafaa Kamel Al-Jibory ,Ali El-Zaart.'' Edge Detection for diagnosis early Alzheimer's disease by Using Weibull Distribution '' The 25th International Conference on Microelectronics (ICM 2013),IEEE ICM2013,Beirut 2014.
44-    Wafaa Kamel Al-Jibory ,Ali El-Zaart.'' New operator for edge detection of objects in Images '' International Science Conference (LAAS20), Hadath, Lebanon, March 2014.
45-    Ali Ghosn and Ali El-Zaart,  Skin Images Segmentation Using Between Class Variance with Gamma DistributionInternational Science Conference (LAAS20), Hadath, Lebanon, March 2014.
46-    Manal Zahereddine, Ali El-Zaart, and Islam El-Kabani, Automated Self-Assessment System for Academic Programs Accreditation.International Science Conference (LAAS20), Hadath, Lebanon, March 2014
47-    Ali El-Zaart and Wafaa Al-Jibory, “An Edge Detection Method in Images with Log-Normal Distribution”, 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computational Tools for Engineering Applications (ACTEA), 12-15 Dec. 2012
48-    Yaser Reyad, Ali El-Zaart, and Hassan Mathkour, Sementation of Fibro-Glandular Discs in Digital Mammograms Using Log-Normal Distribution.  Chapter :Recent Progress in Data Engineering and Internet Technology, Volume 156 of the series Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2013  pp 475-480. Springer-Verlag GmbH Berlin Heidelberg
49-    Moumena  Al-Bayati  and Ali El-Zaart  “Automatic Thresholding Techniques for Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis” , IEEE 17th International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision, & Pattern Recognition, USA, Las-Vegas. July 22-25, 2013.
50-    Ali El-ZaartandWafaa Al-Jibory, Edge Detection In Radar Images Using Weibull Distribution”, International Conference in Soft Computing (2013).  Dubai, 18-19 May 2013.

51-    Ali El-ZaartandAliGhosn,MRI images Thresholding For Alzheimer Detection”, International Conference in Soft Computing (2013).  Dubai, 18-19 May 2013.

52-    Moumena  Al-Bayati and Ali El-Zaart, Automatic Thresholding Techniques for SAR Images”, International Conference in Soft Computing (2013).  Dubai, 18-19 May 2013.
53-     Ali El-Zaartand  Ali Ghosn,SAR images Thresholding For Oil Spill Detection”, The 2nd International Electronics, Communications, and Photonics Conference. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 2013.

54-    Yaser Reyad, Ali El-Zaart, Hassan Mathkour, “Segmentation of Skin Cancer Image Using Log-Normal Distribution”, International Conference on Infrmation System and Technologies (ICIST’2013), Tangier Morocco, March 22-24-, 2013

55-    AbdulMalik S. AlSalman,  Ali El-Zaart, Saleh A. Al-Salman, Abdu Gumaei “A Novel Approach for Braille Images Segmentation". The 3rd International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems (ICMCS'12).. Tangier, Morocco. May 10-12 2012.

56-    Yasser Reyad, Ali El-Zaart, and Alaaeldin M. Hafez Rami M. jomaa,   " Mammograms Segmentation Using Log-Normal Distribution " 27th International Conference on Computers and Their Applications 2012. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.  12 – 14 March 2012.

57-    Abduljawad Amory, Ali El Zaart, AnasRokabi, Hassan Mathkour, RachidSammouda”, Fast Optimal Thresholding Based on Between-Class Variance Using Mixture of Log-Normal Distribution” , International conference on Information Technology and e-services, Sousse Tunisia March 24-26, 2012.

58-    Duaa AlSaeed, Ahmed Bouridane ,Ali El-Zaart and, RachidSammouda, “Two Modified Otsu Image Segmentation Methods Based On Lognormal And Gamma Distribution Models”. International conference on Information Technology and e-services, Sousse Tunisia March 24-26, 2012.

59-    DuaaAlSaeed, Ahmed Bouridane ,Ali El-Zaart and, RachidSammouda, “Novel Fingerprint Segmentation With Entropy-Li MCET Using Log-Normal Distribution”. IET IPC 2012, London, 3 - 4 July 2012.

60-    AbdoGomai, Ali El-Zaart, Muhammad Hussein, and Mohamed Berbar, “Breast Segmentation using K-means Algorithm with A Mixture of Gamma Distributions”. IEEE 3rd Symposium on Broadband Networks and Fast Internet. Antonine University, Lebanon. May 28 and 29, 2012.

61-    Moumena  Al-Bayati  and Ali El-Zaart “Image Thresholding Techniques Using Between Class Variance”,  2012 International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT'2012). Lebanon. December 2012.
62-    Ali El-Zaart, Wafaa Al-Jabory, and Bander Al-Masloukh “A Ne Edge Detector Using Log-Normal Distribution”, 2012 International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT'2012). Lebanon. December 2012.
63-    Ali El-Zaartand  Wafaa Al-Jibory, Edge Detection In Mammogram Images Using Log-Normal distributions” ,  2nd IEEE International conference on Advances In computational Tools For Engineering applications (ACTEA2012).  Notre Dame University ,Lebanon. December 12-15, 2012.

64-    Ali Ghosn, Ali El-Zaart, EidahAssidan   “Mammogram Images Thresholding Based on Between-Class Variance Using a Mixture of Gamma Distributions”,  2nd IEEE International conference on Advances In computational Tools For Engineering applications  (ACTEA2012). Notre Dame University ,Lebanon. December 12-15, 2012.

65-    Linda Mahmoudi and Ali El-Zaart,  “A survey of Entropy Image ThresholdingTechniquess”, 2nd IEEE International conference on Advances In computational Tools For Engineering applications  (ACTEA2012). Notre Dame University ,Lebanon. December 12-15, 2012.

66-    RoulaAlayli and Ali El-Zaart, ”An Iterative Mammographic Image Thresholding Algorithm For Breast Cancer Detection”, The 2012 International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT'2012). Jordan. December 2012.
67-    Ali El-Zaart, Wafaa Al-Jabory, and Bander Al-Masloukh “IA Ne Edge Detector Using Log-Normal Distribution”, The 2012 International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT'2012). Jordan. December 2012.
68-    Ali El-Zaartand  Wafaa Al-Jibory, Edge Detection In Mammogram Images Using Log-Normal distributions” 2nd IEEE International conference on Advances In computational Tools For Engineering applications (ACTEA2012).  Notre Dame University ,Lebanon. December 12-15, 2012.

69-    Moumena  Al-BayatiandAli El-Zaart “Mammogram Images Thresholding Using Different Thresholding Techniques”, 2nd IEEE International conference on Advances In computational Tools For Engineering applications  (ACTEA2012). Notre Dame University ,Lebanon. December 12-15, 2012.

70-    Ali Ghosn, Ali El-Zaart, EidahAssidan   “Mammogram Images Thresholding Based on Between-Class Variance Using a Mixture of Gamma Distributions” 2nd IEEE International conference on Advances In computational Tools For Engineering applications  (ACTEA2012). Notre Dame University ,Lebanon. December 12-15, 2012.

71-    Linda Mahmoudi and Ali El-Zaart,  “aA survey of Entropy Image ThresholdingTechniquess”, 2nd IEEE International conference on Advances In computational Tools For Engineering applications  (ACTEA2012). Notre Dame University ,Lebanon. December 12-15, 2012.

72-    Linda Mahmoudi , Ali Haider, Ali El-Zaart, AlaaAlAzawi, “A Novel Petri Net Model For Image Segmentations”, 2nd IEEE International conference on Advances In computational Tools For Engineering applications  (ACTEA2012). Notre Dame University ,Lebanon. December 12-15, 2012.

73-    Hala Al-Shamlan and Ali El-Zaart, "Breast Cancer Computer-Aided System" The 2011 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing (WORLDCOMP'11).  Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, July 18-21, 2011.
74-    IhsanUllah, Ali El-Zaart, and Hatem Abo-Alsameh "Fast Moment Preservation For Images Thresholding Using a Mixture of Gamma Distributions." The 2011 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing (WORLDCOMP'11).  Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, July 18-21, 2011.
75-    DuaaAlSaeed, Ali El-Zaart, and Ahmed Bouridane  "Minimum Cross Entropy Thresholding Using Entropy-Li Based On Log-normal Distribution For Skin Cancer Images",  7th IEEE  International Conference on Signal Image Technology and Internet Based Systems. in Dijon, France,  November 28 - December 1, 2011.
76-    YaserReyad, Ali El-Zaart, Hassan Mathkour, “Segmentation of Fibro-Glandular Discs in Digital Mammograms Using Log-Normal Distribution”, IEEE  International Conference on Data Engineering and Internet Technology, 2011. Indonesia.     
77-    Wafa AlSaleh, AbdulmalikAlSalman,,Ali El-Zaart, and Mohammad Mostafa, “An Educational Software in Computer Skills for Visually Impaired Arabic-speaking Students”. 26th  2011 Annual International Technology & Persons with Disabilities Conference, USA. 2011.
78-    Muhammad Hussain, Summrina Kanwal Wajid, Ali El-Zaart, Mohammed Berbar, "A Comparison of SVM Kernel Functions for Breast Cancer Detection", 2011 Eighth International Conference Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualization.
79-    YaserReyad, Ali El-Zaart, Hassan Mathkour, Hussain Alsalman and Mansour Al-Zuair.  “An Image Segmentation Approach based on Log-Normal Distribution” ,IEEE 2010 International Conference on Intelligent Network and Computing (ICINC 2010), Nov. 26-28, 2010. Malaysia.
80-    Abdu Gomai, Ali El-Zaart and Hassan Mathkour, "An Efficient Iris Segmentation Approach”, IEEE International Conference on Graphic and Image Processing., Manila, Manila, Philippines. December 4-5, 2010. (Indexed by EI Compendex and ISI Proceeding).
81-    AbdulMalik Al-Salman, Ali El-Zaart, Yousef Al-Suhaibani, Khaled Al-Hokail, and Abdulaziz O. Al-Qabbany "An Efficient Braille Cells Detection”, 6th IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications Networking and Mobile Computing. 2010. China.
82-    Hala Al-Shamlan and Ali El-Zaart" Texture Feature Extraction for Breast Cancer Mammography Images”. International Conference on Image and Video Processing and Computer Vision (IVPCV-10). Orlando, FL, USA, July 12-14, 2010.
83-    Hala Al-Shamlan and Ali El-Zaart "Feature Extraction Values for Breast Cancer Mammography Images”.  IEEE International Conference On Bioinformatics and Biomedical Technology. China. 2010. (Indexed by EI Compendex and ISI Proceeding).
84-    Abdu Gomai, Ali El Zaart and Hassan Mathkour,  "A New Approach for Pupil Detection in Iris  Recognition System”, IEEE international Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology. China. 2010. Volume: 4, Page(s): V4-415 - V4-419 (Indexed by EI Compendex and ISI Proceeding)
85-    Rahma AlZahrani and Ali El-Zaart  "SAR image Segmentation Using Edge Information”, IEEE international Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology. China.  2010. (Indexed by EI Compendex and ISI Proceeding).
86-    Arwa Al-Hussain and Ali El-Zaart, "Moment-Preserving Thresholding Using Gamma Distribution" IEEE international Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology. China. 2010. (Indexed by EI Compendex  and ISI Proceeding).
87-    Rasha Al-Eidan, Lamya Al-Braheem and Ali El-Zaart, "Line detection Based on The Basic Masks  and Inage Rotation". IEEE international Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology. China. 2010. (Indexed by EI Compendex  and ISI Proceeding).
88-    Rahma AlZahrani and Ali El-Zaart, “MRI Images Segmentation”. First conference for graduated students at KSA, Saudi Arabia, March 1-4, 2010.
89-    Tasneim AlYahya and Ali El-Zaart, “Fuzzy Similarity Thresholding Using Gamma Distribution”. First conference for graduated students at KSA, Saudi Arabia. March 1-4, 2010.  
90-    Amani Al-Ajlan and Ali El-Zaart, " Image Segmentation Using Minimum Cross-Entropy Thresholding”, IEEE international Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Pages: 1776-1781 2009. USA.  
91-    Eidah Assidan and Ali El-Zaart " Fast Optimal Multimodal Thresholding Based on Between-Class Variance Using a Mixture of Gamma Distributions”, IEEE international Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Pages:2599-2602, 2009. USA.   
92-    Asma Al-Saleh and Ali El-Zaart " Multi-modal Images Contrast Enhancement Using Histogram Specification with Gamma Distribution”, IEEE International Conference of Computing in Engineering, Science and Information. Pages: 52-56, 2009. California, USA.
93-    Hessa Alsaaran and Ali El-Zaart, "New Edge Detector Using 2D Gamma Distribution”, IEEE international Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 2009. USA.   
94-    "Dot Detection of Optical Braille Images for Braille cells Recognition”, Proceedings  of  the 11th  International Conference on Computer   Helping  People With Special Needs, Pages 821-826. July 9-11, 2008. Austria.
95-    Ghada Al-Osaimi and Ali El-Zaart,  “Minimum Cross Entropy       Thresholding for SAR  Images”.  Proceedings  of  the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Information & Communication Technologies : from Theory to Application.     April, 9-11, 2008. Syria.
96-    Eihal Al-Owaisheque, Areeb Al-Owaisheq  and  Ali El-Zaart,  “A New Edge Detector Using 2D  Beta Distribution". Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International  Conference on Information & Communication  Technologies : from Theory to Application. April, 9-11, 2008, Syria.
97-    Ali El-Zaart,  “A New Desired Histogram Method for Contrast  Enhancement of SAR Images”,  Proceedings  of  the 3rd International Conference on       Information Technology. May 9-11, Amman, Jordan, 2007.
98-    Reem Al-Attas and Ali El-Zaart,  “Thresholding of Medical Images Using Minimum Cross Entropy”. Proceedings of the Kuala Lumpur  International Conference on Biomedical Engineering 2006, pp.312-315, December 11-14, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
99-    Amal Al-Manea and Ali El-Zaart,  “Contrast Enhancement of MRI Images”, Proceedings of the Kuala Lumpur  International Conference on Biomedical       Engineering 2006, pp. 270-273,   December 11-14, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
100-    Amany Al-Saleh and Ali El-Zaart,  “Unsupervised Learning Technique  for Skin Images  Segmentation Using a Mixture of Beta Distributions”, Proceedings of the Kuala  Lumpur International Conference on Biomedical  2006, pp. 320-323, December 11-14,  Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
101-    Ali El-Zaart,  “Unsupervised Learning Technique for Image Segmentation”,  Proceedings of First National Information Technology Symposium, pp. 205-210 February 6-8, 2006, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
102-    Ali El-Zaart,  “Expectation-Maximization Technique for Fibro-Glandular Discs Detection in Mammography Images”,  Proceedings of First National Information Technology Symposium, pp. 268-275, February 6-8, 2006, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
103-    Duaa Al-Said and Ali El-Zaart,  “MWF-MultiWindow Filter : A Non-Linear Filter Method in Spatial Domain”, Proceedings of First National Information Technology Symposium, pp. 262-267, February 6-7 2006, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
104-    Ali El Zaart,  Ali Al-Mejrad and Ali Saad, “Segmentation of Mammography Images for Breast Cancer Detection”,  in the Proceedings of the Kuala Lumpur International Conference on Biomedical Engineering 2004,  pp. 225-228. September 2-4, 2004, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.        
105-    Ali Saad, Ali El Zaart and Ali Al-Mejrad,  Speckle Reduction in Digital Ultrasound Images by Multi-Resolution Contrast Enhancement.”, in the Proceedings of the Kuala Lumpur International Conference on Biomedical Engineering 2004, pp. 233-236. September 2-4, 2004, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
106-    Ali El Zaart and Djemel Ziou, Mixture Modelling Using Minimum Message Length. 13th Conference in Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligent (RIFIA), pp. 509-518,  2002, Conference, Angres, France,  January 2002.
107-    Ali El Zaartand Djemel Ziou, The Use of Information Theory for Modeling  SAR  Images. ACFAs 2001, Proceeding, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, 14-15 May 2001.
108-    Ali El Zaart and Djemel Ziou, Unsupervised Learning and Statistical Modeling of   SAR Images.   First conference IMSI-CIN on the imagery and its various applications. University of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, 31 August 2000.

109-    Ali El Zaart, DjemelZiou, Shangrui Wang and Qingshan Jiang, “SAR Images Segmentation Using Mixture of Gamma Distribution”. Vision Interface (VI'99), Trois-Rivières, Québec, Canada, May 18-21, pp.125-130, 1999.

110-    Qingshan Jiang, Shangrui Wang, DjemelZiou and Ali El Zaart, “Automatic Detection for Ship Targets in RADARSAT SAR Images from Coastal Regions”, Vision Interface (VI'99), Trois-Rivières, Québec, Canada, May 18-21, pp. 131-137, 1999.

111-    Ali El Zaart, DjemelZiou, Shangrui Wang and Qingshan Jiang, “Optimal Thresholding of RADARSAT SAR for Oil Slick Detection”, Proceeding ADRO symposium, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 13-15 October 1998.

112-    Qingshan Jiang, Shangrui Wang, DjemelZiou, GozeBertinBenie, Ali El Zaart, Mary T. Rey and Michael Hensche, “Ship Detection in RADASAT SAR Imagery”, in the Proceeding of IEEE SMC, San Diego, California, USA, 1998.

113-    Ali El Zaart, DjemelZiou, GozeBertinBenie, Shangrui Wang and Qingshan Jiang, “Segmentation of SAR Images”, Conference ISM of the advanced students of Quebec, 8-9-10 May 1998, University of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada.

114-    Ali El Zaart, DjemelZiou and François Dubeau, “Phase-Based Disparity Estimation: A Spatial Approach”, in the Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 1997), Santa Barbara, California, USA, 25 October, 1997, vol. 3, pp. 244-247.
115-    Ali El Zaart, DjemelZiou and François Dubeau, “Disparity Estimation Based onPhase Differences and Regularization Model”, Second Conference in Trois-Rivières in mathematics and image processing, 28 May 1997, Trois-Riviers, Quebec, Canada.

Technical Reports

1-    Ali El Zaart, Djemel Ziou and François Dubeau, “Local Phase and Regularization Model for Disparity Estimation Using a Spatial Domain Approach”, Technical Report No. 220, Department of Computer Science, University of Sherbrooke, Canada, 1998.

2-    Ali El Zaart, Djemel Ziou, Goze Bertin Benie, Shangrui Wang and Qingshan Jiang, “Oil spill Detection on SAR Images”, Technical Report No. 211, Department of Computer Science, University of Sherbrooke, Canada, 1998. 

3-    Ali El Zaart, DjemelZiou, Shangrui Wang and Qingshan Jiang, “Automatic Segmentation of SAR Images”, Technical Report No. 230, Department of Computer Science, University of Sherbrooke, Canada, 1999.

4-    Ali El Zaart, “Statistical Inference and Distribution Selection for SAR Images Analysis: A Mixture-Based Approach”, (Ph.D.), Department of Computer Science, University of Sherbrooke, Canada 2000.

5-    Ali El Zaart and DjemelZiou, Statistical Modeling of Multi-Distribution SAR Images. Technical Report No. 255, Department of Computer Science, University of Sherbrooke, Canada. 2000.
6-    Ali El Zaart and Djemel Ziou, Mixture Modeling Using Minimum Message Length Inference: Application to SAR images Analysis clustering of SAR Images,         Technical Report No. 250, Department of Computer Science, University of Sherbrooke, Canada, 2000.
7-    Ali El-Zaart, Unsupervised Classification Method for Images Segmentation, Research Report No. RC11/424-425, Research Center, College of Computer and Information Sciences, King Saud University Saudi Arabia, 2006.
8-    Ali El-Zaart, Edge Detection of Objects in Images, Research Report No. RC6/426-427, Research Center, College of Computer and Information Sciences,  King Saud University, Saudi Arabia, 2007. 
9-    Ali El Zaart, “Regularization Model for Disparity Estimation”, (M.Sc), Department of Computer Science, University of Sherbrooke, Canada, 1996
10-    Abdul-Malik Al-Salman and Ali El-Zaart, Braille Copy Machine. Research Report, KACST, Saudi Arabia . 2008-2010.
11-    Muhammed Hussien and Ali El-Zaart. Medical Image Enhancement.   Research Report No. RC/29-30, Research Center, College of Computer and Information Sciences,  King Saud University, Saudi Arabia, 2009-2010




  • Member of the “Universite Numerique” project between France and six Lebanese universities (BAU, AUB, USEK, USJ, Balamand, LU).
  • Member of Quality Assurance center at Beirut Arab University
  • Member of Agricultural Committee at Beirut Arab University
  • Academic coordinator of Faculty of science, Beirut Arab University
  • Member of Association of Arab Universities colleges of computing and information Society
  • Council coordinator of the computer science Department 2004-2011 (KSU)
  • Member of PhD. Entrance exam committee (2008- 2009)
  • Convener of research assistant recruitment committee (2009)
  • Convener of interview committee for candidate teaching assistants (2009-2010)
  • Convener of interview committee for candidate PhD students (2008- 2009)
  • Member of the department graduate committee 2006-2008
  • Member of the committee for Master and Ph.D. entrance exam
  • Member of the department annual report committee 2004-September 2008
  • Member of the college computer committee (2002-2004)
  • Member of the department final exam committee (2003-2004)
  • Member of the department graduation project committee (one semester)
  • The Academic Supervisor of the department students (2002-2004


Agriculture Experience 

  • Head of the of  the Agricultural Committee at Beirut Arab University- Debbieh Campus. Responsibility:  Supervision on Grass Cutting, Watering Green Areas, Fertilization, Care for Flowers and Shrubs, Environmental Planning, Manual Weed Removal, Sustainability.
  • Member of Agriculture committee at the municipality of Barja.
  • Organizing many training courses on the Avocado Trees Grafting. 


Research Projects and Awards

- A patent final acceptance at United States Patent and trademark office, 2018.

- Gold Medal for the invention of “Braille copy machine using Image Processing Techniques”, King Saudi university, 2010

- Gold Medal for the invention of Braille copy machine using Image Processing Techniques, Malaysia February 2011.

- Silver Medal for the invention of Braille copy machine using Image Processing Techniques, Geneva, April 2011.

- Award of the Dean for high quality scientific research papers, 2010.

- Award for scientific research papers published in high impact factor journals. 2010.

- Member of Distinguished Scientist Fellowship program at King Saud University.

- Member of Top Academia Researcher at King Saud University. 2010

- National Plan for Science, Technology and Innovation Grants, Saudi Arabia

- King Abdul-Aziz City for Sciences and Technology Grants, Saudi Arabia

- Research Center of College of Computer and Information Sciences grants, Saudi Arabia

Industrial Experience

Senior software developer.
Department of research and development 

Software development  for Integrated Circuit Images.


 Software development for Oil Spill Detection using RADARSAT SAR Images..



Software developement for Segmentation of RADARSAT SAR Images.