The Faculty of the Health Sciences at Beirut Arab University – the Physical Therapy Department harvested the first prize of the eighth Undergraduate Virtual Research Competition across their category “Clinical Science”. Beirut Arab University’s team consisted of seven Physical Therapy Undergraduate Students: Aya Sidani - Dana AlKoush - Entissar Rahal - Hadeel Youssef - Lama Jarjour - Sami Ghanem - Moustafa Zebdawi. Their research project was entitled “Testing the Reliability of Angle Meter Application as a Means of Virtual Range of Motion Assessment for Further Use in a Future Protocol”. Their research project dove into validating a method of virtual range of motion assessment to accommodate patient care through the difficult time ruled by the Covid-19 pandemic.
The team’s application (Angle Meter Application) was proven a reliable, applicable, and affordable way for therapists to accurately assess patient range of motion and get numerical readings rather than rely on approximation and experience, while being connected to these patients only virtually.
This competition was held between numerous countries, whereby Eighty Seven Universities participated from United Arab Emirates, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Oman, Egypt, Lebanon, Algeria, Syria, Malta, Morocco, Tunisia, Palestine, Indonesia, Malaysia, and other countries, submitted their 315 undergraduate research projects from across the MENA Region.