
Health-Sciences - Course - Community and Gerontological Health Nursing: Theory

  • Course Code: NURS406
  • Credits: 3
  • Hours Distribution: 3Lec; 0 Cln;0Tut
  • Course Type: Major Core Courses (MCC)

Course Description

The course provides students with knowledge necessary to meet health care needs of the individuals and families in the community within the context of primary healthcare. Tools for community assessment and diagnosis, concepts of health promotion and maintenance, prevention and early detection of diseases and disabilities, and rehabilitation and restoration of the highest possible level of health are covered. Special emphasis will be on the theoretical base of the elderly population care, theories and concepts of aging, the physiologic and psychosocial changes and problems, as well as ethical and legal aspects related to their care. Pre-req: NURS310, NURS318, NURS405.