
Health-Sciences - Course - Adult Health Nursing I: Practice

  • Course Code: NURS218
  • Credits: 2
  • Hours Distribution: 0Lec;6Cln;0Tut
  • Course Type: Major Core Courses (MCC)

Course Description

This course is designed to introduce the beginning-nursing students to the field of nursing practice, particularly skills related to caring in the hospital setting. The nursing process is utilized as a systematic approach to identify and provide nursing care. Emphasis is placed on developing skills needed to assess, implement and monitor nursing interventions provided to patients with cardiovascular, GIT, hepatic and biliary disorders, diabetes mellitus and thyroid gland disorders, and fluids and electrolytes balance and imbalance. Nursing role in rehabilitation and while obtaining common diagnostic procedures are focused. The role of the nurse as a member of the healthcare team is emphasized. Co/ Pre-req: NURS216