
Dean of Research

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Prof. Hania Nakkash Chmaisse

Dean of Graduate Studies & Research

Welcome to the Deanship of Research at Beirut Arab University. At BAU, we offer a rich research environment, one in which students and Faculty members are engaged in rigorous inquiries that in some cases are locally focused, and others which have a global reach.

Across every discipline, our university is witnessing a remarkable growth in research productivity in terms of grants and publications. Our Faculty members have been recipients OF highly competitive extramural grants from governmental agencies, foundations, and private companies. Nonetheless, it is just the beginning and our goal is to facilitate and promote this growth, significantly.

The research office supports BAU's mission to ensure excellence in research and the dissemination of its outcomes to address community needs, both nationally and internationally. BAU provides research infrastructure for Faculty members, emerging scholars, and pre- and post-doctoral students.

As Dean of Graduate Studies and Research, my responsibility is to nurture the research environment that allows the university’s young researchers to outshine at both national and international levels. We are committed to disciplinary excellence, across all domains, and interdisciplinary research that will benefit society.

Together, we look forward to opportunities to work and learn with you, so please take the time to connect with us in person.