
Mohamad Ali

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Mohamad Ali

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Mechanical Engineering

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Mohamad Ali

Assistant professor

Mohamad Ali received his Ph.D. in 2009 from the National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse, Toulouse, France and M.S. in Mechanical Engineering in 2005 from NationalHigherSchoolof Aeronautics, Toulouse, France. He is Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering Beirut Arab University, Tripoli Campus, Tripoli, Lebanon from 2011


Mohamad Ali  teaches a range of undergraduate and graduate courses: 

  • Undergraduate courses: Engineering material technology, Mechanics of materials, Dynamics of machinery, Machine design, Finite element analysis and Automotive Engineering
  • Graduate courses Theory of Plates and Shells


My research activities are based mainly on the field of solid mechanics and mechanics of materials. More precisely, they focus on mechanical properties of the material and the different tools and methods that can be used for the mechanical design such as Finite element methods and machine learning.



  • Mohamad Ali, Mohamad El Dandachy, Ahmed M. Ellakany. Dynamic Response of Steel-Concrete Beams with Partial Interaction Due To Moving Loads. Journal of science and construction ISSN: 2789-7605 (2023). Volume 4 Number 4, pages: 6-22.
  • Ali, M., Hussein, M. Characterization and optimization of mechanical properties in design materials using convolutional neural networks and particle swarm optimization. Asian J Civ Eng (2023).
  • Ali, M., Hussein, M. Evaluation and prediction of design-time product structural analysis assistance using XGBoost and Grey Wolf Optimizer. Asian J Civ Eng (2023).
  • Mohammad Yakhni, M. A. El-Gohary, Mohamad Ali. Magnetorheological damper voltage control using artificial neural network for optimum vehicle ride comfort. Journal of mechanical engineering and sciences (2021) 15(1):7648-7661. 2.
  • Mohammad Yakhni, Mohamad Ali, M. A. El-Gohary. Control of MR damper using ANFIS and PID controller for optimum vehicle ride comfort. BAU Journal – Science and Technology (2020) Volume 2, Issue 1 ISSN: 2706-784X.
  • A. M. Ellakany, M. Ali, M A. El-Gohary and M. Elkholy. Lumped system model for elastic steelconcrete beams with partial interaction. Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures. (2019) 1573-6105.
  • H. Assoum, J. Hamdi, K. Abed-Meraïm, M. Ali, M. El Hassan and A. Sakout « Correlation between the acoustic field and the transverse velocity in a plane impinging jet in the presence of self-sustaining tones », Energy Procedia139, pp. 391–397, 2017
  • ALI M., Lorrain B., Karama M., Puel B. «The effect of the cure temperature on the thermomechanical characteristics of an adhesive» Key Engineering Materials Vol. 446 (2010) pp 43-49.
  • Mohamad Ali, Mohamed El-Gohary. Caractérisations mécaniques des charnières pour meuble. 5ième Congrès International Francophone de Mécanique Avancée. MATEC Web Conf. Volume 261, 2019.
  • ALI M., « The behavior of the bonded and fastened lap joint» International Workshop on Mechanical Engineering, IWME-2014 Istanbul, KOC University TURKEY August 8-9, 2014. Scientific Cooperation Publications,  ISBN: 978-605-86637-3-2.
  • ALI M., Lorrain B., Karama M., Puel B. «The Effect of the polymerization temperature on ageing bonded joints» 3th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Advanced Materials (ICSAAM – 2009) 7-10 September 2009, Tarbes, France. ISBN : 978-2-9534804-0-5.
  • ALI M., Lorrain B., Karama M., Puel B., «Fatigue behavior of the screwed/riveted joints and the bonded joints» International conference on the respective input of the numerical simulation and the experimental approach in fatigue design, 21-22 November 2007 - Senlis, France. N° ISBN : 2-85400-802-2
  • ALI M., Lorrain B., Karama M., Puel B., « Etude du comportement d’une liaison mécanique par éléments de fixation ». 8e Colloque National en calcul des structures. 21-25 Mai 2007, Giens, France. Vol.1 p515-521 Ed. Hermes, N° ISBN: 978-2-7462-1822-2.
  • ALI M., Lorrain B., Karama M., Puel B., « Caractérisation des assemblages rivetés et vissés en fatigue 18ème Congrès Français de Mécanique 27-31 août 2007 Grenoble, France. N° ISBN : CFM2007-0550



  • Member of the scientific committee at the Order of Engineers in the north of Lebanon.
  • Seminar: Industrial boiler, safety and comprehensive overview, March, 7, 2024.
  • ERASMUS project: Participation in the Gas and Oil Processing, a European Lebanese cooperation (GOPELC). GOPELEC is an ERASMUS project which is well known in addressing the most important issues the  Lebanese Society and the Lebanese higher Educational systems are facing in the domain of Oil and Gas industry. It is a partnership between Lebanon, Sweden, France and Romania.
  • Speaker in the first environmental conference organized by Lebanon Eco Movement (October 2022). Presentation about solid waste management.