J. M. H. Barakat, A. El Falou, Z. N. Gürkan, S. A. Alboon and A. S. Karar, "Enhanced Performance of Intensity Modulation With Direct Detection Using Golay Encoded Nyquist Pulses and Electronic Dispersion Compensation," IEEE Photonics Journal, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 1-8, June 2024
A.S. Karar, A. El Falou, J. Barakat, Z. Gürkan, and K. Zhong, “Recent Advances in Coherent Optical Communications for Short-Reach: Phase Retrieval Methods”, Photonics, vol. 10, no. 3, 2023.
M. Moussilli, A. El Falou, and R. Shubair, “Overview of Nano-Sphere and Nano-Rod Geometries for Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance Biosensing”, ANTEN 2021, Winnipeg, Canada.
S. Hussein, A. El Falou, W. Sahyoun, Y. Ziade, and R. Shubair, “Evaluation of Nano-Antenna Directivity Contributions for EM Propagation in WBANs”, International Journal of Nanoparticles and Nanotechnology, 5:032.
W. Kouzaiha, and A. El Falou, “Single and Double staircase FMCW waveforms for enhanced range and velocity resolutions”, ISAET2019, Rome, Italy.
S. Hussein, A. El Falou, Y. Ziade, and R. Shubair, “On the Use of Optogenetics Wireless Systems in Modern Pathology: Opportunities and Challenges”, The International Conference On Electrical And Computing Technologies And Applications, ICECTA2019, 19-21 Nov, RAK UAE.
S. Hussein, A. El Falou, W. Sahyoun, Y. Ziade, and R. Shubair, “Effect of Water Molecules on the Channel Modeling in THz Band for WBANs”, The International Conference On Electrical And Computing Technologies And Applications, ICECTA2019, 19-21 Nov, RAK UAE.
M. Moussilli, A. El Falou, and R. Shubair, “Performance Parameter Optimization of Graphene Enhanced Surface Plasmon Resonance Biosensors”, 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation APS/URSI2019, 7-12 July, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
M. Moussilli, A. El Falou, and R. Shubair, “Overview of Fiber Optic Surface Plasmon Resonance Biosensors for Medical Applications”, IEEE 18th International Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics ANTEM2018, 19-22 August, Waterloo, ON, Canada.
M. Moussilli, A. El Falou, and R. Shubair, “On the Enhancement of Surface Plasmon Resonance Biosensors by Graphene for Medical Applications”, IEEE 18th International Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics ANTEM2018, 19-22 August, Waterloo, ON, Canada.
M. Moussilli, A. El Falou, and R. Shubair, “Overview of Fiber Optic Surface Plasmon Resonance Biosensors for Medical Applications”, 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation APS/URSI2018, 8-13 July, Boston, MA, USA.
F. Vacondio, A. El Falou, A. Voicila, C. Le Bouëtté, JM. Tanguy, C. Simonneau, E. Dutisseuil, JL. Pamart, L. Shoch and O. Rival, "Real-time elastic coherent muxponder enabling energy-proportional optical transport", 2013 Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition and the National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference (OFC/NFOEC), 17-21 March 2013, Anaheim, CA, USA.
A. El Falou, P. Gavignet, E. Pincemin and T. Guillossou, "Fast SOP variations effects on a MLSE-based receiver performances in a 1000 km transmission link", CLEO/QELS: 2010 Laser Science to Photonic Applications, 16-21 May 2010, San Jose, CA, USA.
A. El Falou, P. Gavignet, E. Pincemin and T. Guillossou, "Performance comparison of MLSE-based receivers in a 1000 km transmission link under fast SOP variations", 2010 Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition and the National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference (OFC/NFOEC), 21-25 March 2010, San Diego, CA, USA.
Product Manager at Mobinets (Lebanon, Mar 2014 – Aug 2015):
Led the development of new features for DWDM and MW network planning tools at Mobinets, including:
Defined market requirements for current and future products.
Prepared technical responses for RFPs and RFIs, showcasing Mobinets' capabilities.
Conducted successful product demonstrations for clients.
Served as technical lead for key projects: Full OSS/BSS solution deployment for Vodafone-UK, WDM planning tool for Meditel-Morocco, performance management solution for Zain-KSA and MW planning tool for Alfa-Lebanon.
Transmission System Engineer at Ekinops (France, Apr 2011 – Mar 2014):
Established design rules for 10/40/100G network deployment, optimizing architecture and performance.
Designed, integrated, and tested 100G transponder blocks for high-capacity Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) systems, including innovative automatic bias control technique development.
Developed and implemented an optical amplifier control system, ensuring efficient network operation.
Managed contributions to Multi-partners European projects, including:
Leadership of work packages, coordination of sessions, and drafting deliverables.
Conducted live demonstrations for projects like Elastic Optical Networks (EO-Net), Safe and Secure European Routing (SASER), Radio and Optical Access Networks (RS-Com), and Cloud-RAN Architectures (Lampion).
R&D Engineer at Orange (France, Nov 2007 – Nov 2010):