
Mammogram Images Segmentation for Breast Cancer Detection

17 December 2012


To strengthen the relationship between the Faculty of Science and the community, a talk entitled “Mammogram Images Segmentation for Breast Cancer Detection” by Ali Zaart, Associate Professor of Computer Science, was held on December 17, 2012 at 2:00 PM at the Faculty of Science, Debbieh Site. The attendees were from people from the medical society,  BAU students & Faculty Members and some other specialists in computer science.
Abstract of the talk:
Breast cancer is among the leading causes of death in women worldwide. Mammography is a specific type of imaging that uses a low-dose x-ray system to examine the early detection of breast diseases in women. Computer-Aided Detection (CAD) systems use a digitilized mammographic image to search for abnormal areas of density, mass, or calcification that may indicate the presence of cancer. The main step in CAD system is the mammogram images segmentation. The objective of the talk is to present a mammogram images segmentation technique based on statistical distribution for breast cancer detection.