In the framework of the agreement signed between Beirut Arab University (BAU) and the French Embassy in Lebanon concerning SAFAR Program, which focuses on promoting scientific research and stimulating relations between the two parties, BAU has acquired four scholarships from FORSA and SAFAR programs.
Three students have acquired PHD scholarships from SAFAR program, and one student has acquired a Master scholarship from FORSA program, as follows:
1- Mohammad Yakhne from the Faculty of Engineering – Tripoli Branch, has acquired a three-year PHD scholarship in Mechanical Engineering jointly with La Rochelle University after BAU has signed Cotutelle agreement with the University.
2- Roa Rawwas from the Faculty of Architecture-Design and Built Environment – Debbieh Campus, has acquired a six months PhD scholarship to perform part of her PHD research work at Lab'URBA - Laboratoire d'urbanisme. Université PARIS-EST
3- Hitaf Hussein from the Faculty of Science – Debbieh Campus, has acquired a six months PhD scholarship to perform part of her PHD research work at the University of Technology of Compiègne, France.
4- Doha Khalaf from the Faculty of Health Sciences-Beirut Campus, has acquired a six-months scholarship from SAFAR program to perform part of her Master research work in Food Analysis and Safety at the University of Technology of Compiègne, France.