
Media and People with Special Needs at BAU

18 March 2014


The relationship between the people with special needs  and the media, the role of the media in integrating these people in the public life, and their depiction in the media were the main topics of the Discussion Panel organized by the Faculty of Arts at Beirut Arab University, entitled “Media and People with Special Needs”. The event which was held on the 18th of March, 2014 at the Main Campus in Beirut, hosted Attorney Mr. Nizar Saghieh, the Journalists Mrs. Diana Moukalled, Mr. Imad  Raef and Mr. Fadi El Halaby.

The event was attended by Prof. Dr. Essam Osman, Vice-President for Medical Sciences, Prof. Dr. Mayssah El Nayal, Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Dr. Jamal Megahed, Head of the Mass Communication Department, in addition to staff members and a large crowd of students and graduates.

After playing the Lebanese and the BAU Anthems, the Journalist Ms. Wafa Saraya opened the Panel, highlighting that people with special needs are more determined and strong-willed than most, and deserve to receive their full rights. She also pointed out that the media should cast light on their issues, embrace them, and cease to depict them as worthy of pity.

Prof. Dr. Mayssah El Nayal emphasized that being a person with a special need does not mean to accept defeat in life, but should rather be a motivation for achievement and challenging difficulties. She pointed out to the role of the media in accepting people with special needs as active members of the society, and the role of the universities in producing Researches that endow the issue with specialized perspectives and allow a scientific approach to deal with it.

Prof. El Nayal further drew the attention to the initiative made by the Mass Communication Department at the Faculty of Arts in registering students for the special needs course as a minor. The aim is to bring this group of people into the limelight and invest their potentials in the media.

Dr. Jamal Megahed, pointed out that the impact of the media on society is not exploited towards the benefit of the society, in particular for disabled people. He criticized the various forms of discriminations against people with special needs, the way in which the media enhances perceptions of disability, and the use of the medical model and stereotypes which reflect a negative and non-empowering image.

Dr. Megahed also highlighted the lack of representation of the disabled in the field of media. He emphasized the need to develop the communicative rights of the individual and the society, while raising awareness of the rights of people with special needs, not only in terms of human aspects, but also in terms of human rights. It is essential for the public opinion to support these people, and both the state and people in charge of the media should therefore become attentive to this important issue.

Next, a short film prepared by the Mass Communication Department was presented. The film was entitled “Conqueror of the Impossible”, and documents the personal experience of the Lebanese athlete Edward Maalouf, who excelled in hand-cycling and conquered his disability. After the film, the Discussion Panel Guests took turns; Diana Moukalled started by describing the issue as controversial, and refused the isolation of disabled people since it is not of any use when it comes to the integration of the disabled. Moukalled called upon media to bring people with special needs to the front by projecting an image that is more representative of them, instead of being limited news coverage and programs about their needs. She stressed on the role played by pressure-groups in crystallizing initiatives that may contribute to the improvement of this negative image.

Attorney Nizar Saghieh in turn criticized the delay in implementing Law 220 in Lebanon. He called upon the media to cast light on the reasons behind such delay, and to launch activist and media battles to attain this right. He also pointed out the need for documentaries that throw light on the legal and activist aspects associated with this issue. Saghieh also spoke about the importance of strategic litigation for disabled people to enable them to bring their voice into courts of law, as well as the necessity of compensating those who have lost their jobs due to their disability.

Mr. Imad Raef explained the meaning of integrating media which realizes the rights of all social components. He called upon media to deal with the issue of people with special needs through a social model, not a medical or care-needing model. He also called upon people with special needs to formulate projects and ideas in an applicable and feasible language. He expressed his regret at the structural and financial problems faced by civil organizations which should be tackling this issue.

Mr. Fadi El Halaby, activist and media-person, argued that presenting the disabled in a negative image leads to disabling the person further. He expressed his wish that the media would deal with the disabled as a person and a human being, and not in terms of the disability. He stressed the need not to depict the disabled as a victim or as a hero. He drew on his personal experience in his T.V. Show “Tawasoul”, where he worked for a full year on various issues before tackling topics related to disability and people with special needs.

The Discussion Panel also hosted the first blind TV correspondent, Nasser Ballout, who is a student at the Mass Communication Department. The students told the audience how his parents had refused to raise him in isolated institutions. During his school years and university life he had been enrolled in mixed institutions. He called upon the concerned authorities to ensure early integration of the disabled in a natural social context.

The Panel concluded with Prof. Dr. Mayssah El Nayal, Dean of the Faculty of Arts, presenting honorary shields to the guests.